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UPSC Prelims & Mains Questions
Rajya Sabha has equal powers with Lok Sabha in
the matter of creating new All India Services
amending the Constitution
the removal of the government
making cut motions

Correct Answer : Option (B) - amending the Constitution

Note :

Rajya Sabha has equal powers with Lok Sabha in the amendment of the constitutional bill. Unlike money bill, the constitutional amendment bill has to be approved by both the houses of Parliament with special majority. There is no provision of Joint Session in case of disagreement, so, Lok Sabha cannot override the decision of Rajya Sabha.

However, in the matters of formation and removal of government, the Rajya Sabha has unequal status with respect to Lok Sabha. Similarly, Rajya Sabha has less powers in the matters of finance like making cut motions, passing money bill, etc. vis-a-vis Lok Sabha.

The Rajya Sabha has been given some special powers which it enjoys exclusively. This includes power to authorise the Parliament to create new All-India Services common to both the Centre and states (Article 312) by passing a resolution.

Year : 2020
Category : General Studies