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PHP program to Creating a Destructor
In the following example of PHP program to create a destructor in a class :
Program :
class MyClass {
  public $name;

  // constructor method
  public function __construct($name) {
    $this->name = $name;
    echo "Object created with name: " . $this->name . "<br>";

  // destructor method
  public function __destruct() {
    echo "Object destroyed with name: " . $this->name . "<br>";

  // custom method
  public function myMethod() {
    echo "Executing myMethod of object with name: " . $this->name . "<br>";

// create objects
$obj1 = new MyClass("Object 1");
$obj2 = new MyClass("Object 2");

// call a method on each object

// destroy objects (which calls destructors)
In this example, the `MyClass` has a constructor and a destructor. When objects of the class are created using the `new` keyword, the constructor is called automatically, and when objects are destroyed (e.g. using `unset()`), the destructor is called automatically.

The program creates two objects of the `MyClass` and calls a custom method on each object. Then the objects are destroyed using `unset()`, which calls the destructor for each object. The output of the program should look like this :
Output :
Object created with name: Object 1
Object created with name: Object 2
Executing myMethod of object with name: Object 1
Executing myMethod of object with name: Object 2
Object destroyed with name: Object 1
Object destroyed with name: Object 2