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PHP program to implement multiple interfaces in the same class
In the following example of PHP program that demonstrates how to implement multiple interfaces in the same class :
Program :

interface Greeting {
    public function sayHello();

interface Departure {
    public function sayGoodbye();

class MyClass implements Greeting, Departure {
    public function sayHello() {
        echo "Hello, world!\n";

    public function sayGoodbye() {
        echo "Goodbye, world!\n";

$obj = new MyClass();

Output :
Hello, world!
Goodbye, world!
In this example, we have two interfaces `Greeting` and `Departure`, each with one method. We then define a class `MyClass` that implements both of these interfaces and defines the methods required by each.

Finally, we create an object of `MyClass` and call its methods to output "Hello, world!" and "Goodbye, world!".