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Python Program to Casting - Floats
In the following example of Python program that demonstrates how to cast a variable to a float :
Program :
# Casting - Floats
x = 5
print("Original value:", x)
print("Type of x:", type(x))

x = float(x)
print("Casted value:", x)
print("Type of x:", type(x))
Output :
Original value: 5
Type of x: <class 'int'>
Casted value: 5.0
Type of x: <class 'float'>
In the above program, we start by assigning the value `5` to the variable `x`. We then use the `print()` function to print the original value of `x`, as well as its type.

Next, we use the `float()` function to cast `x` to a float. We assign the result of the `float()` function back to the variable `x`.

Finally, we use the `print()` function to print the casted value of `x`, as well as its type.

As you can see, the `float()` function has converted the integer value `5` to the float value `5.0`.