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Python Program to Using the dir() function
The `dir()` function in Python is used to find out what attributes a module or object has. It returns a list of strings that represent the names of the attributes of the object or module. Here is an example program that demonstrates the use of `dir()` function :
Program :
import math

# Get the list of attributes of the math module
attr_list = dir(math)

# Print the attributes
for attr in attr_list:
In this program, we have imported the `math` module and used the `dir()` function to get the list of attributes of the `math` module. We have then printed the list of attributes using a for loop. This program will output a list of attributes of the `math` module, such as `pi`, `sqrt`, `log`, etc.

Note that the `dir()` function can also be used to get the list of attributes of an object. For example, if we have an object `my_object`, we can get the list of its attributes using the `dir(my_object)` function call.