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Internet Of Things - Interview Questions
What is the difference between Internet Of Things and Industrial Internet Of Things(IIoT)?
The differences between Internet Of Things(IoT) and Industrial Internet Of Things(IIoT) are : 

Internet Of Things(IoT) :
* It focuses on consumer-oriented gadgets like wearables, home appliances, thermostats, etc. 
* Deals with small-scale networks.
* IoT works on a high volume of data.
* It is less reliable.
* IoT makes consumer’s life more convenient and easier. 
Industrial Internet Of Things(IIoT) : 
* It supports industry-oriented applications like manufacturing, power plants, etc.
* IIoT deals with large-scale networks.
* It handles medium to high range data.
* IIoT is highly reliable.
* It works to increase safety and efficiency in production facilities.