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PHP - Interview Questions
What is the difference between unlink() and unset()?
The unlink() function is used when you want to delete the files completely. The unset() Function is used when you want to make that file empty.
Unlink() function : The unlink() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to delete a file. The filename of the file which has to be deleted is sent as a parameter and the function returns True on success and False on failure. The unlink() function in PHP accepts two-parameter.

Syntax : unlink(‘path to file’);
Unset() function : The Unset() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to remove the content from the file by emptying it. It means that the function clears the content of a file rather deleting it. The unset() function not only clears the file content but also is used to unset a variable, thereby making it empty.

Syntax : unset($var);