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When is International Museum Day observed?
May 20th
May 19th
May 18th
May 17th

Correct Answer :   May 18th

International Museum Day is observed on May 18th every year to raise awareness among people about the museums. Museums are an important means of cultural exchange and the development of mutual understanding, cooperation, and peace among people.
INTERNATIONAL MUSEUM DAY 2022 THEME : Each year there is a specific theme for International Museum Day. The theme for International Museum Day 2022 is “The Power of Museums”.
Museums have the power to transform the world around us. As incomparable places of discovery, they teach us about our past and open our minds to new ideas — two essential steps in building a better future.
INTERNATIONAL MUSEUM DAY HISTORY : International Museum Day was first held in 1977. Since then, it has gained increasing attention. The International Museum Day in 2009 attracted 20,000 museums, hosting events in more than 90 countries.
The very next year, in 2010, 98 countries were a part of the International Museum Day celebration, whereas, in 2011, 100 countries joined the celebration..

Source : India Today

Published On : May 18, 2022