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When is World Day for Audiovisual Heritage 2021 observed?
October 24th
October 25th
October 26th
October 27th

Correct Answer :   October 27th

The World Day for Audiovisual Heritage is observed every year on October 27th. Audiovisual Heritage Day aims at raising general awareness among people regarding the need to take urgent measures as well as acknowledging the significance of audiovisual documents. World Day for Audiovisual Heritage brings to notice the priceless heritage of these documents that tells the stories of lives and cultures all over the world.
World Day for Audiovisual Heritage 2021 will also sensitize people globally to conserve and safeguard valuable audiovisual resources for future generations. With the world, particularly the younger generation, going digital in almost all the significant aspects of life, World Day for Audiovisual Heritage reminds that even though we can move forward, it is important to carry our heritage and make sure it doesn’t get lost.
2021 World Day for Audiovisual Heritage Theme : Every year, World Day for Audiovisual Heritage is observed all around the world with a unique theme and in 2021, the theme of the Audiovisual Heritage Day is ‘Your Window to the World.’
World Day for Audiovisual Heritage 2021 theme signifies that the audiovisual sources provide a window to the world in the form of documentary heritage objects.

Published On : October 27, 2021