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When is World Hypertension Day celebrated every year?
May 16th
May 17th
May 18th
May 19th

Correct Answer : Option (B) - May 17th

World Hypertension Day is celebrated on May 17th every year. It is observed annually to raise awareness about the symptoms of hypertension. The main aim of World Hypertension Day is to educate the public and increase awareness of hypertension, which is also commonly known as high blood pressure.
According to the World Hypertension League (WHL) organisation, there are two critical components to increasing awareness of hypertension:
The first is to “establish high-capacity community screening programs for recognition of high BP in those at risk”
The second is to “promote the routine measurement of BP by a health-care professional at all clinical encounters.”
WORLD HYPERTENSION DAY 2022 THEME : The theme of WHD for 2022 is Measure Your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control It, Live Longer. It focuses on combating low awareness rates worldwide, especially in low to middle-income areas, and accurate blood pressure measurement methods.
WORLD HYPERTENSION DAY HISTORY : World Hypertension Day was first inaugurated in May 2005, and ever since it has become an annual event.
The main purpose behind the celebration of the WHD is to promote public awareness of hypertension and to encourage citizens of all countries to prevent and control this silent killer, the modern epidemic..

Source : India Today

Published On : May 17, 2022