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When the National Insurance Awareness Day is observed on every year?
29th June
28th June
27th June
26th June

Correct Answer : Option (B) - 28th June

The National Insurance Awareness Day is observed on 28 June annually to make people aware about the several benefits of investing in an insurance plan or policy. Insurance policies offer financial cover in case of unfortunate happenings such as injury, accident or losses in business, among others, if one remembers to pay their premium regularly.
History and Significance :
Nicholas Barbon, an English economist, physician, and financial speculator set up the first fire insurance company in 1666 CE. He came up with this idea after a huge fire in London destroyed the city. After that, Barbon was successful in forming the first actual insurance company known as The Insurance Office, which was located in a small building behind London’s Royal Exchange.  From then on, the insurance market has only expanded to newer sectors.
This special day is a reminder to check if all your insurance payments (or renewals) are up to date..

Source : First Post

Published On : June 28, 2022