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When the World UFO Day (WUD) is held on every year globally?
1st July
2nd July
3rd July
4th July

Correct Answer :   2nd July

The World UFO Day (WUD) is held on July 2 every year globally. It is a day dedicated to the undoubted existence of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) by World UFO Day Organization (WUFODO). WUD aims to raise awareness about the existence of UFOs and encouraging people to think about the possibility of us not being alone in the Universe. 
The World UFO Day provides an opportunity to these explorers and enthusiasts to discuss, decode, and deduce multiple theories related to UFOs.
World UFO Day History : The World UFO Day commemorates two important days which are the first widely reported UFO sightings in the world. The first sighting was reported on June 24, 1947, when an aviator named Kenneth Arnold claimed to have seen what looked like a flying saucer. This sighting shaped the narrative of the UFO with a disk being the widely accepted appearance.

Source : WIO News

Published On : July 2, 2022