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Wildlife Summit has adopted India's proposal for enhanced protection of which Turtle species?
Ice Sea Turtle
Green Sea Turtle
Leather-back Sea Turtle
Leith’s Soft-shelled Turtle

Correct Answer : Option (D) - Leith’s Soft-shelled Turtle

India has strengthened protection to Leith’s Soft-shelled Turtle under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species(CITES)
* India’s proposal for transferring Leith’s Softshell Turtle from Appendix II to Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of wild fauna and flora, has been adopted by the Conference of Parties to CITES in its 19th Meeting at Panama
* This will ensure that legal international trade in the species does not take place for commercial purposes. It will also ensure that international trade in captive-bred specimens only takes place from registered facilities and higher penalties are provided for illegal trade of the species.
* The proposal was introduced by Director General of Forests and Special Secretary in the Environment Ministry, "Chandra Prakash Goyal" on 23rd November when the Committee I of CoP took up the proposal for consideration..

Source : AIR

Published On : November 25, 2022