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World Television Day is celebrated on which day every year?
November 19
November 20
November 21
November 22

Correct Answer : Option (C) - November 21

World Television Day is observed every year on November 21. The purpose of this day is to recognise the importance and influence of television in our lives.
* Television remains the most popular source of video consumption. Although screen sizes have changed, and people are creating, posting, streaming, and consuming content on a variety of platforms, television sets continue to be in high demand.
* The United Nations General Assembly established World Television Day on November 21 by resolution 51/205 on December 17, 1996.
* The decision was made in recognition of the growing influence television has on our decision-making. TV allowed us to stay up-to-date on everything happening around the world without leaving our living rooms.
* On November 21 and 22, 1996, the United Nations organised the first World Television Forum. Media figures gathered to discuss how television has become increasingly relevant in a fast-changing world. Additionally, they discussed ways to improve their collaboration.
* World Television Day celebrates not the tool as much as it does the philosophy that it represents. Television serves as a symbol of communication and globalisation in the contemporary world.

* The importance of television in society and in an individual's life is well-known to all of us.

* There is no doubt that television plays a crucial role in society and in individuals' lives.

* For us, it serves as both an information source and an entertainment source. Using this medium, we keep up with global events.

* In 1927, American inventor "Philo Taylor Farnsworth" invented the world's first all-electronic television..

Source : Times now News

Published On : November 21, 2022