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Agile Interview Questions
Agile is a specific project management approach used for software development methodology using short iterations of 1 to 4 weeks. Instead of betting everything on a "big bang" launch, an agile team delivers work in small, but consumable, increments. Requirements, plans, and results are evaluated continuously so teams have a natural mechanism for responding to change quickly. Due to the agile methodology, the development process is aligned to deliver the changing business requirement.
The different principles of Agile are :
Customer Satisfaction : The needs of the customer need to be satisfied with the early and quick delivery of the product.

Simplicity : The amount of time spent not doing work has to be minimized and simplified.

Good Design : By focusing on technical excellence and great design, the agility of the project can be improved drastically.
Welcome Changes : Changing needs need to be addressed, even if they are brought in late in the development process.
Motivated Team : Motivated and driven individuals who are trusted to get the job done can ensure the success of the project.
Face-to-Face Conversations : Having face-to-face conversations is proven as the most efficient method for communication.
Working Software : This represents the primary measure of progress.

Work Together : Developers and other team members need to work together through in collaboration with the course of the project.

Self-Organized : Self-organized teams provide the best architectures, requirements, and designs.
Constant Pace : With a constant pace, the agile process enables optimum sustainable development.
Reflect and Adjust : The effectiveness of the Agile process can be improved by regularly reflecting on it.

Deliver Frequently : Ensure frequent product delivery within a short timeframe, thanks to a clear cut understanding of the product.
Extreme Programming : It is a framework that enables teams to create high-quality software that helps improve their quality of life. It enables software development alongside relevant and appropriate engineering practices. It is applicable to handle changing software requirements, risks caused due to new software, working with a small, extended development team, and technology that allows automated unit and functional tests.
Kanban : It is a method that’s used to design, manage, and improve the flow of systems. Kanban enables organizations to visualize their flow of work and limit the amount of work in progress. It is used in situations where work arrives unpredictably, and where work needs to be deployed immediately without waiting for other work items. 
Lean : It is a set of tools and principles that focuses on identifying and removing waste, to speed up process development. Value is maximized, and waste is minimized. It is used in just about every industry that produces waste in some form or the other. 
Scrum : It is a framework that is used by teams to establish a hypothesis, test it, reflect on the experience, and make adjustments. It enables teams to incorporate practices from other frameworks depending on the requirements. It is used by cross-functional teams that are working on product development, and the work is split into more than one 2-4 week iterations. 
Crystal : It focuses on people and their interactions, rather than on tools and processes. Aimed to streamline processes and improve optimization, Crystal works on the principle that projects are unique and dynamic. It is used when the focus is on strengthening team communication, continuous integration, active user involvement, and configurable processes. 
As Agile Software Development became more popular, people involved with software development activities but who didn’t personally develop software looked for some way to figure out how these Agile ideas applied in their line of work.
The Agile Manifesto and the 12 Principles were written by a group of software developers (and a tester) to address issues that software developers faced. When you think of Agile as a mindset, that mindset can be applied to other activities.
The two concepts noted above are examples of an attempt to move Agile “outside of software.” Those efforts have resulted recently in the Business Agility movement.
If you extend the idea of Agile as a mindset, then people seeking Business Agility ask themselves, “How might we structure and operate our organization in a way that allows us to create and respond to change and deal with uncertainty?”
You might say that business agility is a recognition that in order for people in an organization to operate with an Agile mindset, the entire organization needs to support that mindset. Agile software development was never truly Agile until the organization changed its structure and operations to work in an uncertain environment.
In Agile development, Design and Implementation are considered central functions in the software process.
The Design and Implementation Phase also incorporates other functions such as promoting needs and testing into it. In the agile method, iteration occurs in all activities. Therefore, needs and design are developed together, rather than separately.
Service delivery and planning and development planning as undertaken in a series of promotions. In contrast to the standard model, where the collection needs to be completed to advance to the design and development phase, it offers Agile development a level of greater flexibility.
The agile process is more focused on coding development than on text.
The Team A Development Plan is as follows :
* Needs analysis and integration – 1.5 months
* System Design – 2 months
* Coding Phase – 4 months
* System Integration and Testing – 2 Months
* User Acceptance Test – 5 Weeks

The Group B Development Plan is as follows :
Since this was Agile, the project was split into several phases.
Repetition is all about the same time.
At the end of each iteration, an active product with a new feature should be introduced.
Instead of spending 1.5 months collecting requirements, they will determine the key features needed for the product and decide which of these features can be improved in the first iteration.
Any remaining features not delivered in the first iteration will be delivered in the next iteration, depending on the value. At the end of the first duplication, the team will introduce functional software with some basic features.
* Affinity Map
Poker Editing
* Bucket system
* Vote for Dot
* T-Shirt Sizes
* Order Protocol
* Big / Uncertain / Small
* TFB / NFC / 1 (Sprint)
* Divide into Large or Less
Agile Project Management is an iterative approach to planning and guiding project processes that breaks them down into smaller cycles called sprints, or iterations.
Just as in Agile software development, an Agile project is completed in small sections. In Agile software development, for instance, an iteration refers to a single development cycle. Each section or iteration is reviewed and critiqued by the project team, which should include representatives of the project's various stakeholders. Insights gained from the critique of an iteration are used to determine what the next step should be in the project.
The main benefit of getting started with Agile Project Management is its ability to respond to issues that arise throughout the course of the project. Making a necessary change to a project at the right time can save resources and help to deliver a successful project on time and within budget.
The Agile project methodology breaks projects into small pieces. These project pieces are completed in work sessions that are often called sprints. Sprints generally run anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. These sessions run from the initial design phase to testing and quality assurance (QA).
The Agile methodology enables teams to release segments as they are completed. This continuous release schedule enables teams to demonstrate that these segments are successful and, if not, to fix flaws quickly. The belief is that this helps reduce the chance of large-scale failures, because there is continuous improvement throughout the project lifecycle.
Agile Project Management calls for teams to continuously evaluate time and cost as they move through their work. They use velocity, burndown and burnup charts to measure their work, instead of Gantt charts and project milestones to track progress.
Agile Project Management does not require the presence or participation of a project manager. Although a project manager is essential for success under the traditional project delivery methodologies, such as the waterfall model -- where the position manages the budget, personnel, project scope and other key elements -- the project manager's role under APM is distributed among team members.
For instance, the product owner sets project goals, while team members divvy up scheduling, progress reporting and quality tasks. Certain Agile approaches add other layers of management. The Scrum approach, for example, calls for a Scrum Master who helps set priorities and guides the project through to completion..
There are five main phases involved in the APM process.
Envision : The project and overall product are first conceptualized in this phase and the needs of the end customers are identified. This phase also determines who is going to work on the project and its stakeholders.

Speculate : This phase involves creating the initial requirements for the product. Teams will work together to brainstorm a features list of the final product, then identify milestones involving the project timeline.

Explore : The project is worked on with a focus on staying within project constraints, but teams will also explore alternatives to fulfill project requirements. Teams work on single milestones and iterate before moving on to the next.

Adapt : Delivered results are reviewed, and teams adapt as needed. This phase focuses on changes or corrections that occur based on customer and staff perspectives. Feedback should be constantly given, so each part of the project meets end-user requirements. The project should improve with each iteration.

Close : Delivered results are reviewed and teams adapt as needed. The final project is measured against updated requirements. Mistakes or issues encountered within the process should be reviewed to avoid similar issues in the future.
Advocates for Agile Project Management say the methodology delivers numerous benefits.

These include the following :
* more freedom -- project management lets designers work on models that utilize their strengths;
* efficient use of resources, which enables rapid deployment;
* greater flexibility and adaptability to changing needs -- developers can better adapt to and make needed changes;
* rapid detection of problems, which enables quicker fixes;
* increased collaboration with users, leading to products that better meet user needs; and
* does not require as clearly defined goals and processes at the start of development when compared to traditional project management methods, like waterfall.
There are also potential drawbacks, however, including the following :
* A project can go off track because there are less predetermined courses of action at the start of a project.
* Off-track projects lead to less predictable outcomes.
* Agile management relies on making decisions quickly, so it is not suitable for organizations that take a long time to analyze issues.
* Collaboration between teams or end users must continually happen to make the best possible product. Challenges in communication could impact the end product.
Software development life cycle (SDLC) is a phenomenon to design, develop and, test high-quality software. The primary aim of SDLC is to produce high-quality software that fulfills the customer requirement within times and cost estimates.
Agile Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is the combination of both iterative and incremental process models. It focuses on process adaptability and customer satisfaction by rapid delivery of working software product. Agile SDLC breaks down the product into small incremental builds. These builds are provided into iterations.
Agile Software Development Life Cycle
In the agile SDLC development process, the customer is able to see the result and understand whether he/she is satisfied with it or not. This is one of the advantages of the agile SDLC model. One of its disadvantages is the absence of defined requirements so, it is difficult to estimate the resources and development cost.
Requirements gathering and analysis : In this phase, you must define the requirements. You should explain business opportunities and plan the time and effort needed to build the project. Based on this information, you can evaluate technical and economic feasibility.
Design the requirements : When you have identified the project, work with stakeholders to define requirements. You can use the user flow diagram or the high-level UML diagram to show the work of new features and show how it will apply to your existing system.
Construction/ Iteration : When the team defines the requirements, the work begins. The designers and developers start working on their project. The aims of designers and developers deploy the working product within the estimated time. The product will go into various stages of improvement, so it includes simple, minimal functionality.
Deployment : In this phase, the team issues a product for the user's work environment.
Testing : In this phase, the Quality Assurance team examine the product's performance and look for the bug.
Feedback : After releasing of the product, the last step is to feedback it. In this step, the team receives feedback about the product and works through the feedback.
Concept : Project are imagined and prioritized.

Inception : Team members are created, funding is put in place, and basic environments and requirements are discussed.

Iteration/Constriction : The software development team works to deliver working software. It is based on requirement and feedback.

Release : Perform quality assurance (QA) testing, provides internal and external training, documentation development, and final version of iteration into the product.

Production : It is ongoing support of the software.
* Project is divided into short and transparent iterations.
* It has a flexible change process.
* It minimizes the risk of software development.
* Quick release of the first product version.
* The correctness of functional requirement is implemented into the development process.
* Customer can see the result and understand whether he/she is satisfied with it or not.
* The development team should be highly professional and client-oriented.
* New requirement may be a conflict with the existing architecture.
* With further correction and change, there may be chances that the project will cross the expected time.
* There may be difficult to estimate the final coast of the project due to constant iteration.
* A defined requirement is absent.
The burn-up chart depicts the amount of work done in the project, whereas the burn-down chart illustrates the amount of work remaining in the project. Thus, the burn-up and burn-down are used to describe the progress report of the project.
The daily stand-up is the day-to-day meeting (mostly in the morning) in which the whole team meets around 15 minutes to find the answer for the following three questions:
* What was done yesterday?
* What is your plan for today?
* Is there any obstacle that restricts you to complete your task?
Measuring the burndown of deliverables, usually represented in burndown charts :

* Velocity
* Lead time
* Cycle time
* Code quality
* Code covered in unit test
* Deployment success rate
* Net promoter score
To understand how these processes work in Agile, we’ll have to talk about each one of them individually.
Incremental Development : In this form of development, the process is divided into small, workable increments. Each succeeding increment builds on the work completed in the previous increment. Over time, functionalities are added based on everything already created.
Iterative Development : This involves the development of a system that follows repeated cycles or iterations. Changes are made based on results from the most recent iteration. This enables the project to evolve over time.
Agile: Incremental+Iterative
The agile process involves the consideration and creation of a working product in an iteration, which is a part of the final product. Each successive iteration is one step further towards the final product. This continues until all product functionalities are satisfied. 
Organizations and users use the working product and provide feedback that’s incorporated into the next iteration. With this, product roadmaps can be built, produced, and tested before the next iteration.
Kanban is a visual system that helps the management of work as it progresses through the process. It visualizes and provides visibility into the process, workflows, and the work that’s passing through the process. It is also known as a pull system, as new work is pulled from a list, executed, and moved from ‘in-progress’ status to ‘done’ Tracking work is also made easier as the workflow is visible and put on a display board. Modern organizations can also use the digital display systems. 
In Kanban, the goal is to identify constraints or potential bottlenecks in the process and ensure they are addressed. It also helps make the workflow smoother and more efficient. 
Agile Scrum
It is a set of principles that’s iterative and incremental in nature It is an implementation of the Agile methodology
Suited for projects involving a small team of experts Used in teams that need to handle constant changing requirements
The project head takes care of all tasks and is vital to the project No leader. Issues are handled by the scrum master and the team
Changes cannot be handled frequently Teams can react to change quickly
Requires frequent delivery to the end-user Sprints provide workable builds of the final product to the user for feedback
Face-to-face interactions between cross-functional teams Daily stand-up meetings help with collaboration
Design and execution is simple Design and execution can be innovative and experimental
Suppose seven teams are working on a project and each team has seven members. Each team leads its particular scrum meeting. To coordinate among distinct teams, a separate meeting has to be organized, that meeting is called Scrum of Scrums. An ambassador represents their team in the scrum of scrums.
The primary points discussed in the meeting are :
* Team progress after the last meeting.
* The task is to be done before the next meeting.
* The hindrance that the team faces while completing the last task
Epic : An epic is usually a large story that is difficult to accomplish in a single sprint. An epic is usually accomplished over the course of months. Epics are usually very broad in scope, lack details, and must be broken into smaller user stories before the story can be developed. Epic is often viewed as being the pinnacle of the work hierarchy. In cases where multiple epics share a common goal, they can be grouped into a still-broader business objective, called a theme.
User Story: Basically, a User Story is a list of what needs to be done within a project. It's similar to a to-do list and is owned by the Scrum Product Owner. It provides the Scrum team with enough to get a sense of what the finished product should be like and to calculate an estimate for completion.

Tasks : Each epic is followed by a set of user stories, and for these stories to become workable components, the Scrum team needs to identify and sort tasks. Depending on the complexity of the task, it can take a few hours to several hours (typically up to 12 hours). The task will be assigned to team members with the relevant skills and expertise. A story can only be considered complete when all tasks associated with it have been completed.
The card-based estimation technique is based on a general agreement, which is known as scrum poker or planning poker. Some features of it are :
* The first step is for the story of the agile user to be read by the client. Then the estimator understands the features. 

* There are various planning cards with different numbers for each estimator. The different numbers are the story points.

* Until a general agreement is reached, this process is repeated. 
There are specific developments and methodologies that can use Agile like crystal methodologies, lean software development features that drove growth, and dynamic development. stories that are approved. 
Work category allocation : the work category allocation will provide a clear idea about where you are investing your time and also about the priority of the work. 

Defect removal awareness : active members can produce quality products. 

The cumulative flow diagram : It is the uniform workflow checked in which the x-axis represents time, and the y-axis stands for the number of efforts. 

The sprint burndown matric : Helps in keeping track of the completion of the work with the sprint.

Business value delivered : this is an entity that is concerned with the work efficiency of the team. It is used to measure, and 100 points are associated with every project. 

Time coverage : The time period is measured with the help of the ratio of the number of lines of code that is called by the test suite by the number of relative lines of codes.

Defect resolution time : This is concerned with the process where the team members detect and fix bugs. There are several processes involved in fixing a bug. 

* Clearing the picture of the virus
* Schedule a fix
* Fixation of a defect is done.
Connected to the goal of iterative development, the velocity in Agile is used to measure how much work can be completed in each iteration. It is widely used as a measurement tool to help development teams create more accurate and efficient lines.
Velocity in Agile is not intended to be used as an objective or benchmark for the fight because it is measured based on what makes the team’s mind measure it. While maintaining consistency is good, Agile velocity is designed to be used primarily as a planning tool. To calculate your agile team blocking, simply combine feature ratings, user issues, needs, or background items that have been successfully submitted to iteration.
The build-breaker is a situation that arises when there is a bug in the software. Due to this sudden unexpected bug, compilation process stops or execution fails or a warning is generated. The responsibility of the tester is then to get the software back to the normal working stage removing the bug.
There are three different roles in scrum. These are the Scrum Master, Product Owner, Agile Development Team :
Scrum Master : The Scrum Master is a team leader and facility provider who help the team member to follow agile practices so that they can meet their commitments and customers requirements.

Product Owner : The Product Owner is one who runs the product from a business perspective. He defines the requirements and prioritizes their values.

Agile Development Team : Agile development team provides the judgment on the technical feasibilities or any dependencies.
The critical responsibility of Scrum Master includes :
* Tracking and monitoring project development.
* Understanding the user requirement correctly.
* Work to obtain the project properly.
* Improving the performance of the team.
* Organized meetings and resolve issues.
* Communicate and report to the customer and development team.
Some of the agile frameworks are :
* Scrum
* Kanban
* Feature Driven Development
* Test Driven Development
Scrum ban is a software development model based on Scrum and Kanban. It is specially designed for project that requires frequent maintenance, having unexpected user stories and programming errors. Using these approach, the team’s workflow is guided in a way that allows minimum completion time for each user story or programming error.
It is used to discuss the difficulty of the story without assigning actual hours. The most common scale used is a Fibonacci sequence ( 1,2,3,5,8,13,….100) although some teams use linear scale (1,2,3,4….), Powers of 2 (1,2,4,8……) and cloth size (XS, S ,M,L, XL).
The traditional way of development is that which follow the sequential where design -> development -> testing etc. is performed whereas, in agile development, all of this is done in every iteration/sprint.
The contrasts between agile and traditional software development are summarized below :

* The agile methodology is appropriate for producing large and complicated projects. For constructing simple and modest applications, the traditional technique is perfect.

* Development and testing happen at the same time in agile. while Testing is done after the complete product has been developed in traditional software development.

* Agile is both flexible and secure. Software development in the traditional sense is less flexible and secure.

* While agile software development takes in requirements at any developmental stage, traditional software development on the contrary is unsupportive of changing requirements. 

* The cost of Agile software development is very high while the cost is low with the traditional one.

* The agile software throughout the process of development involves its customer while in the traditional software development customer involvement is feasible only at the requirements phase.
Epic is a great work that can be divided into a few stories, sometimes called “Problems” in Jira. Epics tend to bring together multiple teams on multiple projects and can be tracked across multiple boards. Epics are probably regularly distributed over a collection of sprints. As the team learns more about epic through customer development and feedback, user stories will be added and removed as needed. That’s the key to agile epics: Scope changes, depending on customer feedback and team cadence.
The Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) is a collection of planning and workflow patterns using agile practices on a business scale. A framework is a field of information that includes the strategic direction of roles and responsibilities, the process of organizing and managing work, and the values ​​that must be maintained.
SAFe promotes coordination, collaboration, and delivery to large numbers of fast-moving teams. It is made up of three main information themes: software development, minimal product performance, and thought processes.
The point of the story is the metrics used in agile project management and development to measure the difficulty of using a given user story, which is an unambiguous measure of effort required to apply it. In simple terms, the point of a story is a number that tells the group about the difficulty of the story. A difficulty may relate to the difficulties, risks, and efforts involved.
Point-to-point evaluation, a related type of measurement, is usually performed at a Post-Product Adjustment Session and Product Backlogs are reviewed by the actual development and evaluation team.
However, it is difficult to see the story from the scale they have been assigned. To do that each group will need to find a basic story. It doesn’t have to be the smallest, but the one that everyone in the group can meet. Once determined, the size of all user issues should be started by comparing them with the basics.
When measuring the points of a story, we assign a point to each point. Related values ​​are more important than green values. A story given for 2 story points should be twice as many as a story given for 1 story point. There should also be two-thirds of the story rated at 3-point points.
According to the Agile Manifesto, the most important values ​​are people and communications, effective software, customer interaction, and change response. Agile organisations use processes and tools, appropriate documentation, contracts, and value-added funding systems.
Values :
* Individuals and interactions with processes and tools
* Software performance in addition to complete documentation
* Customer interaction through contract negotiations
* Responding to changes according to the system.
Contrary to popular believes that Sprint Zero is necessary because there is some groundwork that needs to be done before a Scrum project can start (for example, a team needs to be assembled, a hardware to acquire or at least set up, an initial product backlog is to be written), it is used to create a minimal design so that a detailed design can emerge incrementally in an efficient way in future sprints.
Formal Cycle is defined across four phases, but some workflows can be concurrent Each sprint is a complete cycle
Formal project plan, associated with multiple iterations is used. No end to end project plan. Each next iteration plan is determined at the end of the current iteration
Scope is predefined ahead of the project start and documented in the scope document. During the project, scope can be revised. It uses a project backlog instead of scope scrum
Artifacts include Scope Document, formal functional requirements package, system architecture document, development plan, test scripts, etc. Operational software is the only formal artifacts
Recommended for long term, large, enterprise level projects with medium to high complexity Recommended for quick enhancements and organization that are not dependent on a deadline
Before using Agile methodology, you must ask the following questions :
* Is functionality split-able
* Are requirements flexible
* Is customer available
* Is the team skilled enough
* Is it time-constrained
Features Agile DevOps
Usage Developing Software Deploying software
Developer tasks Every person can handle all the tasks Separate teams for operations and developments
Performance Since every developer can progress the task, the agile approach is preferred Teams need to communicate in order to proceed to the next step
Communication Scrum-based approach to communicate Regular meetings are held
Programming knowledge Much needed as it includes development Deployment needs less programming knowledge when compared to the development
Focus Quality focussed software development Improve deployment frequency
Agile and Scrum certifications are hot in the market and organizations are expecting the candidates to hold one or more of them. Agile Certifications and scrum certifications are generally preferred by organizations and are listed as follows :
* Agile Certified Practitioner (ACP)
* Agile Scrum Master (ASM)
* Professional Scrum Master (PSM)
* Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
* Safe Agilist
* PMI Agile Certified Practitioner
* SAFe 4.0 Scrum Master
* Advanced Certified Scrum Master
* Certified Scrum Product Owner/ Certified Scrum Developer
Refactoring is the process of updating or optimizing the internal structure of a software product without changing its external behavior or functioning. Typically, developers make changes to a product's source code to improve or enhance its underlying structure. Refactoring is mostly used to make code more clear, understandable, and readable. Furthermore, the technique of refactoring makes code maintenance easier.
In agile, dynamic code analysis is a process that consists of several steps, including preparing input data, running the test program, and assessing the results. It automates a variety of testing procedures. We just need to establish project-specific norms and standards for testing procedures.Additionally, detecting errors or bugs at the initial stage is facilitated by dynamic code analysis, and the source code and security of the product get enhanced.
Sprint Backlog : Sprint Backlog  is a list of features and needs that are linked with a particular sprint. In other words, it entails all that must be completed during a certain sprint. It's a subset of the product backlog, and the development team is in charge of keeping it up to date.
Product Backlog : Product Backlog, contrary to the sprint backlog, includes all of the features and requirements for the complete product. It entails everything that must be accomplished during the product development process. It also splits items into different jobs. It's a superset of the sprint backlog, and it's owned by the project manager.
A Product roadmap, as the name implies, is the action plan that an agile team must follow in order for a product to evolve over time. It describes the product's vision, direction, priorities, and overall progress. A product roadmap, in other words, is a strategy for aligning the development team with the product's immediate and long-term objectives. The product owner is the one who owns it.
The burn-up chart depicts the quantity of work that has been performed by the team. It also denotes the overall amount of labor for each sprint or iteration.The burn-down chart depicts the amount of work that the team still has to finish on the project. 
The following are four different types of burn-down charts :

Burn-down chart for the project : The story points of each completed sprint are highlighted in this burn-down chart. It provides a summary of requirements that have been met over time. In a nutshell, it reflects the project goals that have been met as well as those that have still to be met.

Burn-down Chart for Sprints : The sprint burn-down graphic shows how much work the team still has to perform in a single sprint. This chart shows the progress of each team member's job and the rate at which it is being performed.

Release Burn-down Chart : This style of the chart shows how far a product's current release has progressed. After each sprint, the scrum master is responsible for updating the release burn-down chart. This graphic also aids in determining how far each sprint has progressed.The defect burn-down chart shows all of the problems that have been detected and corrected.
Every sprint of a project typically includes five distinct meetings. The following are the details :

Sprint Planning Meeting : Before the start of a sprint, the product owner, scrum master, and scrum team meet weekly for a discussion. They discuss what features or requirements the team has to complete in the current sprint during this meeting. Furthermore, it is one of the longest sessions, lasting between 2 and 3 hours.

Daily Standup Meeting : The daily standup meeting takes place every day before commencing work, as the name implies. During this meeting, team members will be given tasks to complete for a specific day. Daily standup meetings usually take 15 to 20 minutes.

Sprint Review Meeting : A review meeting is held at every end of the sprint. The main goal of this conference is to get feedback from stakeholders on sprint-completed features and functions.

Sprint Retrospective Meeting : This meeting occurs after each sprint as well. The major purpose of this discussion is to talk about which strategies succeeded, which ones didn't, and what to do and what not to do in the next sprint. In a nutshell, this conference aids in the development of the organization.

Product Backlog Refinement Meeting : In this meeting, the scrum team and the product owner discuss the product backlog's most important items. It occurs after each sprint to ensure that the backlog for the following sprint is clear.
SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) is the acronym for Scaled Agile Framework. It's a collection of organizational and operational patterns that help businesses scale agile techniques. In other words, SAFe is a set of best practices, concepts, and procedures that help organizations and businesses embrace agile methodologies such as Lean, Kanban, and Scrum to create high-quality products. The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is appropriate for usage in big and complicated projects involving huge teams. 
The SAFe principles are as follows:

* Delivering a high-quality, best-in-class product to clients in a short amount of time necessitates a fundamental understanding of building system economics.

* SAFe encourages people to apply systems thinking to three major areas: the solution or product, the organization that builds the system, and the value streams.

* Maintaining many design options and requirements for a longer period of time in the development cycle is preferable.

* The gradual development of products in a series of brief iterations mitigates potential risks and allows for speedier client feedback.

* It is the combined obligation of a business owner, developers, and customers to guarantee that the investment in the product under development is profitable.

* Reduce batch sizes and manage queue lengths by visualizing and limiting work in progress (WIP).

* The use of development cadence and synchronization, as well as periodic cross-domain planning, provides a framework for effectively carrying out development, reducing complexity, and improving product quality.

* Motivate people that have a lot of information.

* Fast value delivery is the product of decentralized decision-making. It also eliminates delays, enhances product development flows, and allows for speedier client input.

* Organize around ideals and principles.
SAFe has a number of important advantages :

* SAFe unites cross-functional agile teams behind ideals and principles that enable businesses swiftly meet the needs of their customers.

* It ensures great product quality because one of SAFe's main pillars is quality.

* SAFe increases efficiency by minimizing redundant tasks, removing roadblocks, and pushing team members to meet project deadlines.

* It boosts staff motivation. It also aids firms in minimizing employee burnout and increasing employee satisfaction.
Prototypes and Wireframes are essential components of website or mobile app design process. They are used to present the design concept and the basic functions of the website for the clients.
Below are some of the advantages of pair programming:
* It is used to enhance code quality and observe faults in the code as the other developers only can review the code as it is written.
* It makes the task more manageable to get solutions of any issue arrived at the time of coding as other partners can support.
* It also provides simple data transfer as if a developer is an expert and other is not, then he can help.
Users story has three components (3Cs ) :
Card : It describes the whole user story in the basic form and written in a physical form on a card. The format used in the user story: As a [type of user], I want [goal] so that [some reason].

Conversation : It depicts the communication between product owner, consumer, other members to discuss details in the card.

Confirmation : It helps in finding acceptance criteria in the user story so that the story can be used.
Refactoring offers the following benefits :
* Refactoring code to make it less complex and easier to understand.
* Streamline the source code design to speed up the creation of new features.
* Reduce messy and unrefined code, which may otherwise require additional rework.
* Reducing the cost of code maintenance and making it more modular and readable.
* Enhancing the architecture of software without affecting its behavior.
* Improved modularity to increase reusability.