- jQuery Basics
- Basic Syntax
- Google CDN
- Microsoft CDN
- jQuery Selectors
- Name Selectors
- ID (#) Selectors
- Class(.) Selectors
- jQuery Events
- click()
- dbclick()
- hover()
- mouseup()
- mousedown()
- mouseenter()
- mouseleave()
- mouseover() and mouseout()
- focus() and blur()
- change()
- select()
- submit()
- keypress()
- keyup() and keydown()
- load()
- unload()
- jQuery Effects
- hide() and show()
- toggle()
- jQuery Fading Methods
- fadein()
- fadeOut()
- fadeToggle()
- fadeTo()
- jQuery Sliding Methods
- slideDown()
- slideUp()
- slideToggle()
- jQuery animate() methods
- Basic Syntax
- Multiple Properties
- Relative Values
- Pre-defined Values
- Queue Functionality
- jQuery stop() Method
- Stop Moving
- Stop Sliding
- jQuery Chaining Method
- Example 1
- Example 2
- jQuery Callback Functions
- Callback Function
- Without Callback Function
- jQuery Getters & Setter
- Get Content
- Set Content
- Get Attributes
- Set Attributes
- jQuery Add Elements
- append()
- prepend()
- With append() and prepend()
- after() and before()
- With after() and before()