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Civil Engineering - Interview Questions
What are the 5 Properties of Glass?
Glass has 5 engineering properties :

* Transparency : this is the primary property of glass that allows us to see through it. Glass can be transparent from both sides or from one side only (the other side acts like a mirror).

* Workability and Recycle Property : glass has superior workability as it can be moulded into countless shapes or blown during melting. Also, any type of glass can be 100% recyclable and used as a raw material in construction.

* Strength : the strength of glass is determined by its modulus of rupture value. Glass is usually brittle but we can make it stronger by adding admixtures and laminates.

* Transmittance : this is the visible fraction of light passing through the glass.

* U value : this represents how much heat transferred through the glass. Insulated glass units should have a low U value.