Prime Numbers
Prime numbers are the numbers with two factors, 1 and the number itself. For example, 7 is a prime number, which is divisible by 1 and 7 only. If we divide 7 with any other number then a fraction value is produced. The contradictory part of a prime number is a composite number, which has more than two factors. In the number system, we have learned many types of numbers out of which prime and composite numbers are the most significant ones.

What is a Prime Number ?

A prime number is a positive integer having exactly two factors. If p is a prime, then it’s only factors are necessarily 1 and p itself. Any number which does not follow this is termed as composite numbers which means that they can be factored into other positive integers.
Prime Number Chart
Prime Number Chart
Prime Numbers from 1 to 100 Factors Prime Factorisation
2 1, 2 1 x 2
3 1, 3 1 x 3
5 1,5 1 x 5
7 1,7 1 x 7
11 1,11 1 x 11
13 1, 13 1 x 13
17 1, 17 1 x 17
19 1, 19 1 x 19
23 1, 23 1 x 23
29 1, 29 1 x 29
31 1, 31 1 x 31
37 1, 37 1 x 37
41 1, 41 1 x 37
43 1, 43 1 x 43
47 1, 47 1 x 47
53 1, 53 1 x 53
59 1, 59 1 x 59
61 1, 61 1 x 61
67 1, 67 1 x 67
71 1, 71 1 x 71
73 1, 73 1 x 73
79 1, 79 1 x 79
83 1, 83 1 x 83
89 1, 89 1 x 89
97 1, 97 1 x 97