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Civil Engineering - Interview Questions
What is the blended cement, and what are the advantages of using blended cement?
Blended cement is obtained by mixing OPC (Ordinary Portland cement) with mineral admixtures or additives like fly ash, slag or silica fumes. These mineral admixtures make the blended cement superior as compared to the conventional OPC category of cement.
The advantages of using blended cement can be categorized into two types:
* Technical advantages
* Environmental advantages

Technical Advantages of using Blended Cement :
* Blended cement is smoother than Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC). It provides a finer texture than OPC when mixed.

* It provides more strength than OPC because fly ash and slag cement are significantly stronger than OPC after full setting (more than 28 days) in compressive and flexural stress. It depends on the proportion and quality of the admixture. Silica fume cement sets in even less time, usually 3 to 28 days.

* The permeability is lower in blended cement. It extends its useful life and hardness by reducing the penetration of aggressive water run-off compounds such as sulfates and chlorides, which have increased impact as ordinary cement ages. Silica fume cement allows only 20 percent of the permeability of OPC.

* When we use OPC, if the temperature differences between the concrete surface and its interior are high, it may get weaker, and cracking can occur. So, OPC is not a good choice for the areas where temperatures fall below 40 degrees. Blended cement can reduce peak temperatures and reduce the risk of thermal stress.

Environmental Advantages of using Blended Cement : 
* Blended cement requires less water in construction.

* Blended cement saves energy because it uses admixtures such as slag, fly ash, which is produced as a byproduct of other industrial processes.

* Blended cement is a good example of the conservation of resources. It uses waste products of steel plants and coal power plants, among others. Using this waste in cement lowers the demand for other components like limestone, silica, and clay, helping to preserve these natural resources.