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Civil Engineering - Interview Questions
What is the unit weight of concrete and unit weight of steel?
Unit weight of concrete : The unit weight of concrete is typically expressed in pounds per cubic foot (pcf) or kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m³). The average unit weight of concrete is around 145 pcf (2,300 kg/m³) when it is freshly placed, but it can vary depending on the density of the aggregate and the water-cement ratio of the mixture.
Unit weight of steel : The unit weight of steel is typically expressed in pounds per cubic foot (pcf) or kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m³). The average unit weight of steel is around 490 pcf (7850 kg/m³). However, the exact unit weight of steel can vary depending on the type of steel and its specific gravity.
It is important to note that the unit weight of both concrete and steel will change over time as they age and are subjected to loads and environmental factors. The unit weight of both materials is also an important factor in determining the weight of structures and the loads they can support.