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Purple Fest, First-ever inclusive festival of India starts in goa from 6th January to 8th January 2023.

The Purple Fest, First-ever inclusive festival of India starts in goa from 6th January to 8th January 2023.

It is an inclusive event that aims to showcase how we can come together to create a welcoming and inclusive world for everyone.

The festival includes engaging panel discussions, artistic live performances, grand exhibitions, immersive experience zones, and more.

Registration Category - Delegates/ Media Delegates/ Exhibitors/ Volunteers.

* Registration Charges for Delegates are INR 1000.
* Group registrations for more than 10 delegates would be at the rate of INR 500 per delegate.
* Registration Charges for  Exhibitors are INR 2500.
* Registration for Goan delegates is Free.
* Registration for Students with Disablities is Free..

Source :

Published On : January 7, 2023
Category : National