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Safer Internet Day, celebrated on 6th February Each Year

Safer Internet Day, celebrated on 6th February each year, serves as a global call to action for individuals, families, and communities to unite in making the digital world a safer and more secure environment for all.

The theme for Safer Internet Day 2024, “Inspiring Change.

Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online,” reflects a proactive approach towards fostering a positive and secure online experience. This blog post delves into the history, importance, and ways to celebrate Safer Internet Day 2024, emphasizing the collective effort required to safeguard our digital footprint.

History of Safer Internet Day :

The inception of Safer Internet Day dates back to 2006, initiated by EU Safe Borders and later embraced by the Insafe Network of Awareness Centres. This initiative aimed to highlight the importance of internet safety and encourage responsible digital technology usage. In 2012, the United States officially adopted Safer Internet Day, marking its expansion into a global movement. Today, Safer Internet Day transcends geographical boundaries, rallying countries worldwide to promote online safety and responsibility.

Safer Internet Day 2024 Theme: Inspiring Change :

The theme for Safer Internet Day 2024, “Inspiring Change. Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online,” calls for active participation in creating a safer digital environment. It encourages individuals to leverage their influence positively and adapt to the dynamic nature of the online world. This theme underscores the importance of collective action in fostering a culture of safety, respect, and empathy online.

Published On : February 6, 2024
Category : International