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Saman's bird sanctuary recently discovered Uttar Pradesh.

Asian Waterbird Census conducted in the "Saman Bird sanctuary" revealed that there has been a decline in the number of migratory bird species from North Asia and Central Asia.

* The Saman Bird Sanctuary in the Mainpuri district of Uttar Pradesh is a seasonal oxbow lake on the Ganges floodplain.

* It is designated as Ramasar wetland in 2019.

* The Sanctuary regularly provides refuge to over 50,000 waterbirds.

* Spread in an area of 500 hectare, the Saman Bird Sanctuary is a unique sanctuary located in the Mainpuri district includes several smaller wetlands - ideal habitat for water birds.

* It's one among 467 IBA Sites in the country (Important Bird & Biodiversity Area) designated by the Birdlife International having rich birdlife diversity and also is an important wintering site for many migrants.

* This year (2023) several migratory birds which come under IUCN threatened classification were recorded. A decrease in the number and species of migratory birds was recorded during the recent Asian Waterbird Census (AWC), 2023, carried out at the newly designated Ramsar site - Saman Bird Sanctuary in Mainpuri...

Source : India Times

Published On : February 15, 2023
Category : National