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Tamil Nadu govt formed a panel to assess the functioning of juvenile homes

The Tamil Nadu government has formed a one-man committee to recommend measures for the effective administration of the homes functioning as per the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act of 2015.

* Headed by : Retired judge K. Chandru

* The committee will look into various aspects of running the institutions including infrastructure, health and medical facilities, qualification of staff among others and provide recommendations to the government for improvement.

* The period of the committee will be for four months and extendable up to six months.

* A government order issued by the department in this regard had stated that a high-level committee would be formed to improve the functioning and administration of observation homes, special homes and places of safety functioning under the JJ Act, 2015.

* As per the terms of the reference in the GO, the committee will study the existing procedures and practices followed in the homes with respect to admission, internment and discharge of inmates.

* It will also assess the existing infrastructure and amenities, modalities and methods currently adopted for training and education of inmates, including vocational training for staff in the homes, the norms for the quantity and quality of food and requirement and qualification of officers and staff employed in these homes..

Source : Indian Express

Published On : April 14, 2023
Category : National