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Current Affairs - 2019
The International Day of Families or IDF is observed on May 15 every year. It's theme for 2019 is;
Families and inclusive societies
Ensuring work family balance
Families, education and well-being
Families and Climate Action: Focus on SDG 13

Correct Answer :   Families and Climate Action: Focus on SDG 13

The International Day of Families or IDF is observed on May 15 every year since 1996, and it lays stress on the importance attached to families. Its theme for 2019 is: "Families and Climate Action: Focus on SDG 13". The main event of the International Day of Families took place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, which was organized by Division for Inclusive Social Development (DISD) of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA). This particular holiday is represented by a heart-symbol extending upwards which becomes the roof of a house. This symbol symbolises the heart and home which are the basics of family life. This is generally drawn in red and is either used alone or placed in a green circle.

Published On : July 12, 2021