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Current Affairs - 2021
When Hiroshima Day is observed?
6 August
5 August
4 August
3 August

Correct Answer :   6 August

Hiroshima Day is observed on August 6 every year to mark the anniversary of the atomic bombing on two cities of Japan - Hiroshima and Nagasaki — during World War 2. The nuclear bomb blasts killed nearly 80,000 people while more than 35,000 were injured. Not only this, but it also led to massive structural damage. As per the official statement of Japanese officials, around 69% of the buildings in Hiroshima were destructed.
Hiroshima Day is usually observed in Japan to promote peace politics. It has been 76 years since thousands of lives lost their breath by a single atomic bomb. However, the city of Hiroshima, which was abandoned immediately then, has made a powerful recovery as a world-renowned peace city and transformed into a significant urban center and industrial hub.

Published On : August 6, 2021