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Current Affairs - 2022
The Global Recycling Day is observed every year on which day?
March 18th
March 17th
March 16th
March 15th

Correct Answer :   March 18th

"Global Recycling Day" is observed every year on March 18th to create awareness among the masses about the rapid pace at which our natural resources are being used. The day also promotes the concept and practice of recycling. Every year, events are organised by environmentalist and activists to promote the cause.
In 2021, the theme of Global Recycling Day is “Recycling Heroes”. Its main aim is to recognise the people, places and activities that showcase the importance of recycling in preserving natural resources. Recycling has helped in reducing carbon emissions by over 700 million tonnes every year. Notably, over 1.6 million people are employed around the world in the recycling industry. In this decade, the yearly contribution of recycling will increase up to $400 billion.

Published On : March 18, 2022