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Current Affairs - 2022
When the International Holocaust Remembrance Day Observed?
24th January
25th January
26th January
27th January

Correct Answer :   27th January

* International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust (International Holocaust Remembrance Day) is observed on 27 January.

* January 27 is International Holocaust Remebrance Day, marking the anniversary of the Allied liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest Nazi death camp, 77 years ago.

* The day of remembrance is held each year to honor the millions of lives lost during the Holocaust at the hands of the Nazis, as well as remembering those who died in genocides that followed in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia, and Darfur.
* Each year, the United Nations urges member states honor the lives lost and implement educational programs to help prevent future genocides.

The 2022 Theme : In 2022, the theme guiding the United Nations Holocaust remembrance and education is “Memory, Dignity and Justice”.

The objective of the day is to commemorate the anniversary of the tragedy of the Holocaust that occurred during the Second World War.
History of the day : A genocide occurred during World War II in which Nazi Germany, aided by its collaborators, systematically murdered some six million European Jews, around two-thirds of the Jewish population of Europe, between 1941 and 1945. United Nations designated the day in 2005 to serve as a date for official commemoration of the victims of the Nazi regime and to promote Holocaust education throughout the world.

Published On : January 27, 2022