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UPSC Prelims & Mains Questions
Among the agricultural commodities imported by India, which one of the following accounts for the highest imports in terms of value in the last five years?
Fresh fruits
Vegetable oils

Correct Answer :   Vegetable oils

Note : India is known to export spices to the world. Some fruits we import while some we export but horticultural trade is not a huge portion of the import bill. India has started importing pulses with long term contractual obligations in past few years but India also produces quite a large amount of pulses itself. Moreover, pulses are not very costly compared to other high end agricultural products.

Thus, logically, it should be vegetable oils. India imports huge amount of and various types of vegetable oil from many countries. India relies on imports for almost 70% of its vegetable oil consumption. India‘s import bill of vegetable oil has been surging for past many years.

Year : 2019
Category : Economy