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UPSC Prelims & Mains Questions
"Gold Tranche" (Reserve Tranche) refers to
a loan system of the World Bank
one of the operations of a Central Bank
a credit system granted by WTO to its members
credit system granted by IMF to its members

Correct Answer :   credit system granted by IMF to its members

Note :

The IMF is funded through its members and their quota contributions. The reserve tranche is basically an emergency account that IMF members can access at any time without agreeing to conditions or paying a service fee. In other words, a portion of a member country’s quota can be withdrawn free of charge at its own discretion.

In short,
• The reserve tranche is a segment of an International Monetary Fund member country’s quota that is accessible without fees or economic reform conditions.

• Initially, member nations’ reserve tranches are 25% of their quota, but this position can change according to any lending that the IMF does with its holdings of the member’s currency.

• The reserve tranches that countries hold with the IMF are considered their facilities of first resort, meaning they will tap into them before seeking a formal credit tranche that charges interest.

Year : 2020
Category : General Studies