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Daniel Ellsberg, Renowned Whistleblower of the Pentagon Papers, When Did Passes Away?
17th June 2023
16th June 2023
15th June 2023
14th June 2023

Correct Answer :   16th June 2023

Daniel Ellsberg, the U.S. military analyst whose change of heart on the Vietnam War led him to leak the classified "Pentagon Papers," revealing U.S. government deception about the war and setting off a major freedom-of-the-press battle, died on Friday (16th June 2023) at the age of 92.

* Ellsberg, who had been diagnosed with inoperable pancreatic cancer in February, died at his home in Kensington, California, the family said.

* Long before Edward Snowden and Wikileaks were revealing government secrets in the name of transparency, Ellsberg let Americans know that their government was capable of misleading and even lying to them. In his later years Ellsberg would become an advocate for whistleblowers and leakers and his "Pentagon Papers" leak was portrayed in the 2017 movie "The Post."

* Ellsberg took a secret action in 1971 to share important information with the media, hoping to help bring an end to the Vietnam War more quickly. However, this made him a target of attacks by the Nixon White House, which tried to harm his reputation. Henry Kissinger, who was an important advisor to the president at the time, even called him “the most dangerous man in America” and wanted to stop him at any cost.

* When he went to Saigon for the State Department in the mid-1960s, Ellsberg had an impressive resume. He had earned three degrees from Harvard, served in the Marine Corps and worked at the Pentagon and the RAND Corporation, the influential policy research think tank.

* Meanwhile at the behest of Defense Secretary Robert McNamara, Pentagon officials had secretly been putting together a 7,000-page report covering U.S. involvement in Vietnam from 1945 through 1967. When it was finished in 1969, two of the 15 published copies went to the RAND Corporation, where Ellsberg was once again working.

Born : 7 April 1931, Chicago, Illinois, United States

Died : 16 June 2023, Kensington, California, United States

Source : Reuters

Published On : June 17, 2023