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International Chess Day is celebrated on which day every year?
July 18
July 19
July 20
July 21

Correct Answer :   July 20

International Chess Day is celebrated on July 20 every year to commemorate the founding of the International Chess Federation (FIDE) in 1924.

FIDE is the governing body of international chess and is responsible for organising the World Chess Championship and other major chess tournaments.

International Chess Day History : International Chess Day was officially declared by the United Nations General Assembly on December 12, 2019. However, World Chess Day is celebrated on July 20 each year as the date coincides with the founding of the FIDE in 1924.

Chess, which originated in India around the 6th century, was originally known as 'chaturanga'. It eventually spread to Persia and then to the Islamic world, before reaching Europe by the late middle ages. The game has since evolved and grown exponentially, becoming a popular pastime and competitive activity worldwide.

International Chess Day Significance 2023 : International Chess Day is significant because it is not only for chess enthusiasts but also for communities worldwide. The day serves to highlight the educational benefits of chess, enhancing cognitive abilities, logical reasoning, and strategic thinking in children and adults alike. It also celebrates the game's universal appeal, transcending linguistic, cultural, and geographical barriers, as it is played in every corner of the world.

Moreover, chess fosters camaraderie and sportsmanship, teaching lessons in patience, decision-making, and resilience. The game, despite its competitive nature, encourages dialogue and mutual respect between opponents, making it a metaphor for peaceful coexistence.

Published On : July 20, 2023