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International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking is observed annually on?
June 25
June 26
June 27
June 28

Correct Answer :   June 26

The International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking is observed annually on June 26 to spread awareness about the ill effects of drug abuse.

History :

At the International Conference on Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking held in Vienna on June 26, 1987, it was recommended that a day should be observed to commemorate the struggle against drug abuse. The United Nations General Assembly on December 7, 1987, decided to observe June 26 as International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.

Significance :

* The day is recognised to highlight the health challenges related to drug abuse and encourage combating measures like prevention, education, treatment, and rehabilitation.

* The day is observed by individuals, communities, and several organisations globally and aims to bring attention to the threat that illegal drugs pose to society.

* The day promotes global collaboration and communication between countries, groups, and people to create a world free from drug addiction and illicit drug trafficking.

Theme 2023 :
The theme for this year (2023) is "People First: stop stigma and Discrimination, strengthen Prevention," which aims to raise awareness about the importance of treating people who use drugs with respect and empathy; providing evidence-based, voluntary services for all; offering alternatives to punishment; prioritizing prevention; and leading with compassion, the United Nations Office On Drug And Crime (UNODC) stated.

The campaign also aims to combat stigma and discrimination against people who use drugs by promoting language and attitudes that are respectful and non-judgmental, said the UNODC..

Source : Hindustan Times

Published On : June 26, 2023