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On which day does the world celebrate the International Day for the Prevention of Violent Extremism every year?
February 10th
February 11th
February 12th
February 13th

Correct Answer :   February 12th

Every year on February 12th : The world observes the International Day for the Prevention of Violent Extremism as and when Conducive to Terrorism (PVE Day). This crucial day serves as a platform to raise awareness about the dangers of violent extremism and promote international cooperation in tackling this complex issue.

The Challenge of Violent Extremism :

Violent extremism manifests in various forms, often fueled by ideological, political, or religious radicalization. It thrives on marginalization, social grievances, and a lack of opportunities, leading individuals to adopt violent means to achieve their goals. This phenomenon creates widespread fear, disrupts lives, and destabilizes communities across the globe.

The Importance of PVE Day :

PVE Day highlights the urgency of addressing the root causes of violent extremism. It emphasizes the need for comprehensive strategies that go beyond security measures and focus on:

Promoting social inclusion and addressing grievances.
Providing educational and economic opportunities.
Countering online radicalization and hate speech.
Empowering communities to build resilience and foster peace.

PVE Day, Theme 2024 :

This year’s (2024) theme : “Living Together: Fostering Community Resilience to Prevent Violent Extremism as and when Conducive to Terrorism” underscores the collective responsibility to build inclusive and resilient societies where violent extremism finds no ground.

Taking Action: What Can You Do?

PVE Day is not just for governments and organizations; everyone can play a role in preventing violent extremism:

* Educate yourself about the causes and consequences of violent extremism.
* Challenge intolerance and promote understanding within your community.
* Support initiatives that promote social inclusion and address inequalities.
* Speak out against hate speech and discrimination.
* Engage in dialogue with diverse perspectives and promote peaceful conflict resolution.

Published On : February 12, 2024