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When is the National Small Industry Day observed in India?
August 31st
August 30th
August 29th
August 28th

Correct Answer :   August 30th

Every year, the National Small Industry Day is observed on August 30th. The day is celebrated to encourage the rise and development of small-scale businesses for the economic development of the country. This was an initiative by the Government of India which made for the growth of small-scale industries in the country.
Small industries focus on the manufacturing and production of the services provided by the small and micro-scale industries. These industries make one-time investments in their basic requirements like machines, plants, and equipment.
National Small Industry Day 2022 Significance : The day motivates and shapes government policies to enhance the efficiency of the small-scale sector. Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are an integral part of the value chain and to foster the ecosystem, the government is working tirelessly.
The day also highlights the efforts made by the centre to widen the range of these sectors into various services and commodities hovering in the economic model of a country which houses more than 6.3 crore MSMEs. The day marks the various other possibilities and opportunities that the sector creates for individuals working in the urban and rural sectors of India.
National Small Industry Day History : The National Small Industry Day can be traced back to August 2000 when the government formulated a comprehensive policy package for small-scale industries (SSI) in India. On August 30, it was decided by the Ministry of Small-Scale Industries that the very day would be observed as SSI Day. The policy helped small businesses with the development of infrastructure and technology. A year later, the Centre formally declared August 30 as the National Small Industry Day.
For the very first time, on August 30, 2001, the ministry organised a convention for entrepreneurs in the small-scale industry in New Delhi, and along with that, held an event to present national awards. The convention started with the inauguration ceremony, followed by the award distribution, and culminated with an open house discussion..

Source : India Today

Published On : August 30, 2022