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When is the World Maritime Day observed?
First Friday of October
October 01
September 30
Final Thursday in September

Correct Answer :   Final Thursday in September

Every year on the final Thursday in September, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) commemorates World Maritime Day. The organisation will commemorate the day on September 30 this year. This day is commemorated to raise public awareness about maritime safety and the environment.
A permanent secretariat of staff who are representatives of the organization's members supports the IMO. The secretariat consists of a Secretary-General who is elected by the assembly on a regular basis, as well as several divisions such as maritime safety, environmental protection and a conference section.
History of World Maritime Day : The International Maritime Organization (IMO) was renamed Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization (IMCO) in 1982. The IMO's major goal is to concentrate on subjects such as maritime safety, environmental issues, legal issues, technical collaboration and maritime efficiency. On March 17, 1978, the first World Maritime Day was observed.

Published On : September 30, 2021