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When the World Day for International Justice is observed on every year?
July 15th
July 16th
July 17th
July 18th

Correct Answer :   July 17th

World Day for International Justice is observed on July 17th to commemorate the organisations that work for bringing justice to the victims of international criminal acts. It also commemorates the establishment of modern court systems in the world. The day focuses on the advocacy of fundamental human rights and the promotion of international criminal justice.
World Day for International Justice History On July 17, 1998, 120 countries came together to sign a treaty titled Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. The establishment came to be known as the International Criminal Court (ICC), which came into force on July 1, 2002. To celebrate the signing of the Rome Statute, World Day for International Justice has been celebrated every year ever since.
Out of the total countries that were summoned regarding the treaty, 120 countries were in favour of the treaty whereas twenty-one of the total countries called were against it. The countries that were against the Rome Statute included China, Israel, the United States, and Iraq.

Theme : The theme for World Day for International Justice 2022 is “Achieving Social Justice through Formal Employment”. The theme recognises how a section of the society suffered during (and after) the COVID-19 pandemic due to the loss of livelihood..

Source : CNBC TV18

Published On : July 17, 2022