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When will Buck Moon 2022 be visible?
July 13-14
July 15-16
July 17-18
July 19-20

Correct Answer :   July 13-14

The Full Moon that occurs in the month of July is called Buck Moon. On July 14, at 12:08 am IST, the Moon will officially turn full. The July Buck Supermoon will be the brightest Full Moon of the year.
Supermoon 2022 : On July 13-14, everyone on Earth will witness a Full Moon which is also a supermoon. This will be the biggest supermoon of the year. 
At 5 am EDT on July 13 (2:30 pm IST), the Moon will be near its closest approach to Earth. Since the Moon will be near its closest approach to Earth, it will appear slightly larger and brighter than usual. 
Nine hours and 38 minutes after arriving at its closest point to Earth for 2022, the Moon will officially turn full. This will also be the brightest Full Moon of the year. 
At 2:38 pm UTC on July 13 (12:08 am IST on July 14), the Moon will be located on the opposite side of the Earth as the Sun. 
A supermoon is a Full Moon that occurs when the Moon is at the perigee, the point closest to Earth in its orbit. Therefore, a supermoon appears slightly brighter and larger than a normal Full Moon..

Source : ABP Live

Published On : July 12, 2022