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World Rhino Day Observed Annually on?
September 20th
September 21st
September 22nd
September 23rd

Correct Answer :   September 22nd

World Rhino Day, observed annually on September 22nd, is a global initiative aimed at raising awareness about the critical plight of the rhinoceros species and advocating for their protection. This special day serves as a platform to highlight the challenges these magnificent creatures face and the urgent need for conservation efforts to prevent their extinction.

World Rhino Day History :

* The crisis of rhinoceros started in Africa back in 1990. By 2010, it became a nationwide hazard, and people started to express their concerns over the crisis.

* In 2011, a woman called Lisa Jane Campbell wrote a mail to a fellow rhino lover, Rhishja stating the desire of seeing at least five species of rhinos thriving in the world.

* Hence, World Rhino Day became a worldwide phenomenon and continues to be celebrated throughout the world on September 22.

World Rhino Day Significance :

* Rhinoceros need saving. On this day, the organisations focused on saving wildlife get together to create awareness about the plight of rhinos in the forest and the steps that can be taken by humans to save these animals from going extinct.

Poaching Rhinos Statistics :

The Poaching Rate of Rhinos Is 1 per 24 Hours (Save the Rhino) : All for an erection–that’s why we kill rhinos. The rhino crisis took off in 2008 and lasted well into 2015. Numbers have slightly decreased in Africa, but one rhino still becomes a poaching victim daily. South Africa has the most rhinos and has the highest incidents of poached rhinos, reaching 1000 per year between 2013 and 2017.

The Whole World Has Just 27,431 Rhinos ( :

* The recent population number of five surviving rhino species, distributed across Africa and Asia, collectively totals 27,431 individuals, with Africa being home to 23,290 rhinos and Asia accounting for 4,137 of these majestic animals.

* In one century, we killed 471,000 rhinos and thousands more that might have been born. Although, according to the chart, rhino poaching tapered off, 2021 saw an increase in poaching since 2015. Some blame the pandemic, and as curfews lifted, criminal syndicates began trafficking in rhinos again.

According to Rhino Poaching Statistics 2020, the Rate of Rhino Poaching in Early 2020 Decreased by 50% Due to COVID-19 (Rhino Review)

* Rhinos got a short reprieve from being hunted to extinction in 2020 when curfews made it difficult for syndicates to move rhino goods. Statistics suggest that Africa’s poaching rates dropped from 5.3% to 2.3% in 2021.

* However, 2707 rhinos died from poaching between 2018 and 2021. This number includes white rhinos and critically endangered black rhinos.

The Number of Black Rhinos Worldwide Is More Than 6,487 (

* And you thought that 6,487 black rhinos were a lousy number. It’s a number to celebrate thanks to the dedication of African conservationists who doubled this number from a 20-year low.

Source :  World Animal Foundation

Published On : September 22, 2023