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Dart Interview Questions
Dart is a client-oriented programming language that may create quick apps for various platforms, develop web and mobile apps as well as server and desktop applications. Dart is an object-oriented, garbage-collected, open-source general-purpose programming language with C-style syntax.

Dart is a programming language designed by Lars Bak and Kasper Lund and developed by Google, later certified as a standard by the European Committee for Standardization (ECMA). Dart is a server-side and browser-side programming language.

First appeared : October 10, 2011.
Dart is a versatile programming language with several key features that make it suitable for a variety of application development scenarios.

Key features of Dart :

* Object-oriented programming : Dart is an object-oriented language that supports classes, inheritance, interfaces, and mixins. It provides features like encapsulation, polymorphism, and code reuse, allowing developers to write modular and maintainable code.

* Optional typing : Dart supports both static and dynamic typing. It allows developers to choose whether to specify types explicitly or rely on type inference. This flexibility allows for better code readability and catch type-related errors early during development, if desired.

* Asynchronous programming : Dart has built-in support for asynchronous programming, making it easy to handle tasks that involve I/O operations or network requests. It provides features like asynchronous functions, futures, and async/await syntax, which simplify writing concurrent and non-blocking code.

* Garbage collection : Dart incorporates automatic memory management through garbage collection. It frees developers from manual memory management tasks like memory allocation and deallocation, improving productivity and reducing the likelihood of memory-related bugs.
* Just-in-Time (JIT) and Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation : Dart offers both JIT and AOT compilation options. During development, the Dart virtual machine (VM) uses JIT compilation to provide fast iterative development, allowing for hot reloading and quick feedback. For deployment, Dart can be compiled ahead of time to native machine code for improved performance and reduced startup times.

* Cross-platform development : Dart is designed to support cross-platform development. It can be used to build applications for the web, mobile (iOS and Android), and desktop (Windows, macOS, and Linux). Flutter, a popular framework built with Dart, allows developers to create native user interfaces across multiple platforms using a single codebase.

* Tooling and ecosystem : Dart has a rich set of development tools and a growing ecosystem. It includes a package manager called pub for managing dependencies and a comprehensive set of libraries and packages. Dart also has strong IDE support in editors like IntelliJ IDEA and Visual Studio Code, enhancing the development experience.

These key features make Dart a powerful language for developing a wide range of applications, including web apps, mobile apps, command-line tools, and server-side applications. It provides developers with flexibility, productivity, and performance, making it a popular choice for various software projects.
Dart is a versatile programming language that can be used for various purposes. Here are some common use cases of Dart:

1. Web development : Dart can be used to build web applications, both on the client-side and server-side. With frameworks like AngularDart and Aqueduct, developers can create responsive and interactive web interfaces and build scalable server applications.

2. Mobile app development : Dart is the primary language for developing mobile applications using the Flutter framework. Flutter allows developers to build cross-platform mobile apps for iOS and Android using a single codebase. Dart's hot-reload feature in Flutter enables fast development and iteration cycles.

3. Desktop app development : Dart can be used to create desktop applications for Windows, macOS, and Linux using the Flutter framework. Flutter provides a rich set of UI components and allows developers to build high-performance and visually appealing desktop apps.

4. Command-line tools : Dart can be used to build command-line applications for automating tasks, running scripts, or building custom tools. Dart's extensive standard library and packages make it convenient for creating command-line interfaces and interacting with the file system and network.
5. Server-side development : Dart can be used to build server applications and backend services. The Aqueduct framework provides a robust set of tools and libraries for building scalable and high-performance server applications using Dart.

6. Internet of Things (IoT) : Dart can be used to develop applications and firmware for IoT devices. It provides a compact runtime, low-level system access, and support for networking protocols, making it suitable for IoT development.

7. Game development : While not as widely used as other game development languages, Dart can be utilized for developing games using frameworks like Flame. Dart's performance, ease of use, and support for 2D game development make it a viable option for game development projects.

8. Scripting and automation : Dart can be used as a scripting language for automation tasks, build scripts, or server administration tasks. Dart's simplicity, expressiveness, and tooling support make it an attractive choice for scripting purposes.
Dart and JavaScript are both programming languages used for web development, but they have several key differences. Here are some of the main distinctions between Dart and JavaScript:

* Typing : Dart supports both static typing and dynamic typing, allowing developers to choose whether to specify types explicitly or rely on type inference. JavaScript, on the other hand, is dynamically typed, meaning that variables can hold values of any type, and type checking is done at runtime.

* Object-oriented programming : Dart is a class-based, object-oriented language where everything is an object. It supports features like classes, inheritance, interfaces, and mixins. JavaScript is also object-oriented but follows a prototype-based model, where objects inherit directly from other objects.

* Asynchronous programming : Dart provides built-in support for asynchronous programming with features like asynchronous functions, futures, and async/await syntax. JavaScript introduced promises and later async/await to handle asynchronous operations. While the concepts are similar, the syntax and usage differ between the two languages.

* Compilation : Dart can be both Just-in-Time (JIT) compiled and Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compiled. During development, Dart code can be executed by the Dart virtual machine (VM) using JIT compilation for fast development cycles. For deployment, Dart can be compiled ahead of time to native machine code for improved performance. JavaScript, on the other hand, is typically interpreted or Just-in-Time (JIT) compiled at runtime by the JavaScript engine of the web browser.
* Tooling and ecosystem : Dart comes with its own set of development tools, such as the Dart SDK, Dart DevTools, and the pub package manager. It also has a growing ecosystem of libraries and frameworks, with Flutter being the most prominent for cross-platform mobile and web development. JavaScript has a mature and extensive ecosystem with numerous libraries, frameworks (e.g., React, Angular, and Vue.js), and tools available, making it widely adopted and supported.

* Cross-platform development : Dart, along with the Flutter framework, enables cross-platform development for mobile (iOS and Android) and web applications. Flutter uses Dart as its primary language and allows developers to write code once and deploy it on multiple platforms. While JavaScript can also be used for cross-platform development using frameworks like React Native or Electron, it is primarily associated with web development.

* Performance : Dart is designed with performance in mind, and its AOT compilation to native machine code can result in faster execution. JavaScript, being an interpreted language, may have performance limitations, although modern JavaScript engines have made significant performance improvements.

* Standardization : JavaScript is a standardized language defined by the ECMAScript specification, which ensures compatibility across different browsers and environments. Dart, while not as widely adopted, has its own specification and is maintained by Google.
In Dart, the pub provides several subcommands for managing the packages on which your code depends. As it is a key component of Dart programming, interviewers ask this question to understand your expertise. When answering, explain what a pub means and give examples of pub commands you used in your previous job.

Example : In Dart programming, the pub is the package manager, which contains reusable packages and libraries for the Dart program and Flutter. Typically, I use the pub 'get' command to get dependencies, the pub 'upgrade' command to upgrade a dependency and the pub 'publish' command to make the library visible to others.
Polymorphism is a fundamental object-oriented programming concept that allows objects of different classes to be treated as objects of a common superclass. In Dart, polymorphism is achieved through inheritance and method overriding.

In Dart, when a class inherits from a superclass, it automatically inherits the superclass's methods and properties. Polymorphism allows a subclass to provide its own implementation of a method defined in the superclass. This means that a subclass can override the behavior of a method inherited from its superclass and provide its own implementation that is specific to the subclass.

Here's an example to illustrate polymorphism in Dart :
class Animal {
  void makeSound() {
    print('The animal makes a sound.');

class Dog extends Animal {
  void makeSound() {
    print('The dog barks.');

class Cat extends Animal {
  void makeSound() {
    print('The cat meows.');

void main() {
  Animal animal = Animal();
  Animal dog = Dog();
  Animal cat = Cat();

  animal.makeSound(); // Output: The animal makes a sound.
  dog.makeSound();    // Output: The dog barks.
  cat.makeSound();    // Output: The cat meows.
In the example above, we have an `Animal` superclass and two subclasses, `Dog` and `Cat`. Each subclass overrides the `makeSound()` method inherited from the `Animal` class with its own implementation.

In the `main()` function, we create instances of `Animal`, `Dog`, and `Cat` and assign them to variables of type `Animal`. Despite the variables being of the `Animal` type, the polymorphic behavior allows us to call the `makeSound()` method on each object. The actual implementation of the method that gets executed depends on the type of the object. So, when we call `makeSound()` on the `dog` variable, the overridden `makeSound()` method from the `Dog` class is invoked, producing the output "The dog barks."
Unlike other languages dart does not have any interface keyword, You can implement it with an abstract keyword
abstract class Joker{
  void makePeopleLaugh();

class Clown implements Joker{
  void makePeopleLaugh() {
    // Here is where the magic happens

class Comedian implements Joker{
  void makePeopleLaugh() {
    // Here is where the magic happens
To run a Dart application, you need to have the Dart SDK installed on your machine. Here's a step-by-step guide to running a Dart application:

1. Install the Dart SDK : Visit the Dart SDK website ( and follow the installation instructions for your specific operating system.

2. Write your Dart code : Create a new Dart file or open an existing one in a text editor or an integrated development environment (IDE) like Visual Studio Code or IntelliJ IDEA. Write your Dart code in the file with a `.dart` extension.

   For example, create a file named `hello.dart` and add the following code:
   void main() {
     print('Hello, Dart!');

3. Open the command-line interface : Open a terminal or command prompt on your machine.

4.  Navigate to the directory : Use the `cd` command to navigate to the directory where your Dart file is located. For example, if your `hello.dart` file is located in the `dart_projects` folder on your desktop, you can use the following command:
   cd ~/Desktop/dart_projects​
5. Run the Dart application : In the command-line interface, use the `dart` command followed by the name of your Dart file to run the application. For example, to run the `hello.dart` file, use the following command:
   dart hello.dart​

   You should see the output of your Dart application in the terminal :
   Hello, Dart!​
In Dart, the "is" and "as" keywords are used for type checks and type casts, respectively.

1.  "is" keyword : The "is" keyword is used for type checks to determine if an object is of a specific type. It returns a boolean value, true or false, based on the object's type. It is commonly used in conditional statements or to perform type-specific operations.

   Example :
   var obj = 'Hello';
   if (obj is String) {
     print('The object is a String.');
   } else {
     print('The object is not a String.');

   In the above example, the "is" keyword is used to check if the variable `obj` is of type String. If it is, the message "The object is a String." will be printed; otherwise, the message "The object is not a String." will be printed.
2. "as" keyword : The "as" keyword is used for type casts, allowing you to explicitly cast an object to a specific type. It performs a type check at runtime and casts the object to the desired type if the check is successful. If the object cannot be cast to the specified type, a runtime exception may occur.

   Example :
   var obj = 'Hello';
   var str = obj as String;

   In the above example, the "as" keyword is used to cast the variable `obj` to the String type and assign it to the variable `str`. Since `obj` is already a String, the cast is successful, and the `toUpperCase()` method can be called on `str`.

   It's important to note that if the object is not of the specified type, a runtime exception, such as a `TypeError`, may occur. Therefore, it is recommended to use the "is" keyword to perform a type check before using the "as" keyword for type casting to ensure safety.

Both "is" and "as" keywords are useful when dealing with polymorphism, conditional branching based on object types, and when you need to perform specific operations based on an object's type in Dart.
The difference between static typing and dynamic typing in Dart lies in how variables are handled with respect to type checking at different stages of the development process.

1. Static Typing :

   * Static typing refers to the practice of explicitly declaring the types of variables at compile-time.

   * In Dart, when a variable is declared with a specific type, its type is known and checked by the compiler before the code is executed.

   * Static typing helps catch type-related errors early during the development process, as the compiler can detect potential type mismatches and raise compilation errors or warnings.

   Examples of static typing in Dart :
     String name = 'John'; // A string variable
     int age = 25;         // An integer variable​
2. Dynamic Typing :

   * Dynamic typing, also known as type inference, refers to the ability of a programming language to determine the type of a variable dynamically at runtime, without explicit type declarations.

   * In Dart, variables can be declared without specifying their types, and the type of the variable is determined based on the assigned value.

   * The type of a dynamically typed variable can change during runtime, allowing flexibility in assigning values of different types.

   * Type checking for dynamically typed variables occurs at runtime, and type-related errors might surface during execution if incompatible operations are performed on the variables.

   Examples of dynamic typing in Dart :
     var name = 'John';    // The type of 'name' is inferred as String
     var age = 25;         // The type of 'age' is inferred as int
     var value = 3.14;     // The type of 'value' is inferred as double​
In Dart, the `@Deprecated` annotation is used to mark code elements (such as classes, methods, fields, or parameters) as deprecated. It serves as a documentation tool to indicate that a particular element is no longer recommended for use and may be removed or replaced in future versions of the code or library.

When a code element is marked with `@Deprecated`, it generates a warning or error at compile-time, notifying developers that they are using deprecated code. This helps prevent accidental usage of deprecated elements and encourages developers to migrate to alternative or updated code.

Here's an example of how to use the `@Deprecated` annotation in Dart:
class DeprecatedClass {
  @Deprecated('This class is deprecated. Use NewClass instead.')
  void deprecatedMethod() {
    // Deprecated method implementation

void main() {
  DeprecatedClass deprecatedInstance = DeprecatedClass();
  deprecatedInstance.deprecatedMethod(); // Generates a warning or error
In the example above, the `deprecatedMethod()` in the `DeprecatedClass` is marked as deprecated using the `@Deprecated` annotation. The annotation includes an optional string parameter that provides a deprecation message explaining why the element is deprecated and suggests an alternative.

When the `deprecatedMethod()` is called in the `main()` function, it generates a warning or error depending on the configuration. The warning or error message will include the deprecation message specified in the `@Deprecated` annotation, indicating that the method is deprecated and suggesting the use of an alternative.

By using the `@Deprecated` annotation effectively, developers can communicate the deprecation of certain code elements and provide guidance on how to migrate to newer or recommended alternatives. This helps maintain code quality, encourages codebase evolution, and informs other developers about potential changes in the API.
In Dart, function expressions and function declarations are two different ways of defining functions. Here are the key differences between them:

1. Syntax :

   * Function Declaration : Function declarations have a named function identifier followed by parentheses for parameters and a function body enclosed in curly braces.
     void myFunction(int a, int b) {
       // Function body

   * Function Expression: Function expressions are anonymous functions that can be assigned to variables or passed as arguments to other functions. They use the `=>` syntax (known as the fat arrow notation) to define the function body.
     var myFunction = (int a, int b) => a + b;

2. Naming :

   * Function Declaration: Function declarations have a named identifier that can be used to refer to the function elsewhere in the code.

   * Function Expression: Function expressions are anonymous and do not have a named identifier. They are often assigned to variables and referenced through the variable name.

3. Usage :

   * Function Declaration: Function declarations are typically used when you want to define a named function that can be called multiple times from different parts of the code.

   * Function Expression: Function expressions are commonly used for creating one-time or short-lived functions, such as callbacks, event handlers, or functions that are only used locally within a specific context.
4. Lexical Scope :

   * Function Declaration: Function declarations are hoisted to the top of their scope, allowing them to be used before their actual definition in the code.
* Function Expression: Function expressions do not have hoisting behavior. They must be defined before they can be used.

Here's an example to illustrate the differences :
void main() {
  // Function Declaration
  int result = myFunction(3, 4);
  print(result); // Output: 7

  // Function Expression
  var myFunctionExpr = (int a, int b) => a * b;
  int exprResult = myFunctionExpr(3, 4);
  print(exprResult); // Output: 12

int myFunction(int a, int b) {
  return a + b;

In the above example, we define a function `myFunction` using a function declaration, and another function `myFunctionExpr` using a function expression. We call both functions and observe the output.

The function declaration `myFunction` is defined before it is used, and it adds two numbers. The function expression `myFunctionExpr` is assigned to a variable and multiplies two numbers using the fat arrow notation.

Function declarations are useful for creating reusable named functions, while function expressions offer flexibility and conciseness, particularly when creating anonymous functions or functions with a short lifespan.
In Dart, inheritance is a fundamental concept of object-oriented programming that allows classes to inherit properties and behaviors from other classes. There are three types of inheritance that can be implemented in Dart:

1.  Single inheritance :

   * Single inheritance refers to the ability of a class to inherit properties and behaviors from a single superclass.

   * In Dart, classes can extend only one superclass at a time, resulting in a single inheritance hierarchy.

   * The subclass inherits all the accessible instance variables, methods, and getters/setters from the superclass.

Example :
     class Animal {
       void eat() {
         print('The animal is eating.');
     class Dog extends Animal {
       void bark() {
         print('The dog is barking.');

2. Multiple inheritance :

   * Multiple inheritance refers to the ability of a class to inherit properties and behaviors from multiple superclasses.

   * Unlike some other programming languages, Dart does not support multiple inheritance, where a class can directly inherit from multiple superclasses.

   * However, Dart provides a mechanism called "mixin" that allows the reuse of code from multiple sources. Mixins are implemented using the `with` keyword.

   * Mixins provide a form of multiple inheritance by applying a mixin class to another class, allowing it to inherit the properties and behaviors of the mixin.

Example :
     class A {
       void methodA() {
         print('Method A');
     class B {
       void methodB() {
         print('Method B');
     class C with A, B {
       void methodC() {
         print('Method C');
3. Hierarchical inheritance :

   * Hierarchical inheritance refers to a situation where multiple subclasses inherit from a common superclass.

   * Each subclass has its own set of additional properties and behaviors in addition to the inherited ones from the superclass.

   * The subclasses may further extend the inherited properties and behaviors to form their own unique hierarchy.

Example :
     class Animal {
       void eat() {
         print('The animal is eating.');
     class Dog extends Animal {
       void bark() {
         print('The dog is barking.');
     class Cat extends Animal {
       void meow() {
         print('The cat is meowing.');

* In Dart, single inheritance is the primary form of inheritance, allowing classes to extend a single superclass.

* Multiple inheritance is not directly supported, but mixins can be used to achieve similar functionality by applying multiple mixins to a class.

* Hierarchical inheritance is a common pattern where multiple subclasses inherit from a common superclass, forming a hierarchical structure.
In Dart, there are several different types of variables that you can use to store and manipulate data. The main types of variables in Dart are:

1. Numbers : Dart provides several types for representing numeric values, including integers and floating-point numbers.

   * `int`: Represents integer values, such as 1, 2, -5, etc.

   * `double`: Represents floating-point numbers with decimal places, such as 3.14, -0.5, etc.

2. Strings : Strings are used to represent sequences of characters. They are enclosed in single (`'`) or double (`"`) quotes.

   * Example : `'Hello, Dart!'`, `"FreeTimeLearn"`

3. Booleans : Booleans represent logical values, either `true` or `false`. They are useful for making decisions and controlling program flow.
   * Example : `true`, `false`

4. Lists : Lists are ordered collections of objects. They can contain elements of different types and can grow or shrink dynamically.

    * Example : `[1, 2, 3]`, `['apple', 'banana', 'orange']`

5. Maps :
Maps are key-value pairs where each key is associated with a value. They are also known as dictionaries or hash maps in other programming languages.
   * Example : `{'name': 'John', 'age': 25, 'country': 'USA'}`

6. Sets : Sets are unordered collections of unique objects. They do not allow duplicate values.
   * Example : `{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}`

7. Dynamic : The `dynamic` type represents a variable that can hold values of any type. The type is determined at runtime, allowing for flexibility but sacrificing some compile-time type checking.

   * Example : `dynamic dynamicVar = 10;`, `dynamicVar = 'Hello';`

8. Var : The `var` keyword allows Dart to infer the type of a variable based on its assigned value. It's a shorthand way of declaring a variable without explicitly specifying the type.

   * Example : `var name = 'John';`, `var count = 5;`

These are the main types of variables in Dart. By using these variable types, you can store and manipulate different kinds of data in your Dart programs.
In Dart, you can define a function using the following syntax:
returnType functionName(parameter1, parameter2, ...) {
  // Function body
  // Code statements
  // Optional return statement

Let's break down the parts of a function declaration in Dart :

* returnType : The `returnType` represents the type of value that the function returns. It can be any valid Dart type, such as `void`, `int`, `String`, etc. If the function does not return a value, the `void` keyword is used.

* functionName : The `functionName` is the identifier for the function. It should follow Dart naming conventions and describe the purpose or action performed by the function.

* parameters : Parameters are optional, and they define the inputs to the function. They are enclosed in parentheses and separated by commas. Each parameter consists of a type and a name, e.g., `int a, String b`. You can also specify default values for parameters.

* function body : The function body contains the code statements that define the behavior of the function. It is enclosed in curly braces `{}`. You write the necessary code statements to perform the desired operations or calculations within the function.

* return statement : If the function has a non-void return type, you can use the `return` keyword followed by an expression to return a value from the function. The return statement is optional in void functions.
Here's an example of a simple function in Dart :
int sum(int a, int b) {
  int result = a + b;
  return result;

In the example above, we define a function named `sum` that takes two `int` parameters (`a` and `b`). The function body calculates the sum of the parameters and stores it in the `result` variable. Finally, the `result` is returned using the `return` statement.

You can call the function by using its name followed by parentheses, passing arguments if necessary:
int total = sum(5, 3);
print(total); // Output: 8​

The function is invoked using the name `sum`, and the arguments `5` and `3` are passed to the function. The returned value is stored in the `total` variable and printed to the console.

You can define functions with different return types, different numbers of parameters, and different combinations of parameter types based on your specific requirements.
* The longer-term and Stream classes define asynchronous programming in Dart.

* A stream can be thought of as a series of asynchronous occurrences. It's similar to an asynchronous Iterable in that instead of receiving a future event once you invite it, the stream informs you that an occasion has arrived.

* Streams are formed in various methods, but they have always been used the same way; the asynchronous loop is one.
Dart provides several built-in string functions that you can use to manipulate and work with strings. Here are some commonly used string functions in Dart:

1. length : The `length` property returns the number of characters in a string.
   String str = 'Hello, Dart!';
   print(str.length); // Output: 13​

2. toUpperCase() / toLowerCase() : These methods return a new string with all characters converted to uppercase or lowercase, respectively.
   String str = 'Hello, Dart!';
   print(str.toUpperCase()); // Output: HELLO, DART!
   print(str.toLowerCase()); // Output: hello, dart!​

3. trim() : The `trim()` method removes leading and trailing whitespace characters from a string.
   String str = '   Hello, Dart!   ';
   print(str.trim()); // Output: Hello, Dart!​

4. split() : The `split()` method splits a string into a list of substrings based on a specified delimiter.
   String str = 'apple,banana,orange';
   List fruits = str.split(',');
   print(fruits); // Output: [apple, banana, orange]​

5. substring() : The `substring()` method returns a new string that is a substring of the original string, starting at a specified index and optionally ending at another index.
   String str = 'Hello, Dart!';
   print(str.substring(7)); // Output: Dart!
   print(str.substring(0, 5)); // Output: Hello​
6. indexOf() / lastIndexOf() : These methods return the index of the first/last occurrence of a specified substring within a string. If the substring is not found, they return -1.
   String str = 'Hello, Dart!';
   print(str.indexOf('Dart')); // Output: 7
   print(str.lastIndexOf('l')); // Output: 10​

7. startsWith() / endsWith() : These methods check if a string starts or ends with a specified substring, returning a boolean result.
   String str = 'Hello, Dart!';
   print(str.startsWith('Hello')); // Output: true
   print(str.endsWith('!')); // Output: true​

8. contains() : The `contains()` method checks if a string contains a specified substring, returning a boolean result.
   String str = 'Hello, Dart!';
   print(str.contains('Dart')); // Output: true
   print(str.contains('Python')); // Output: false​

9.  replace() : The `replace()` method replaces all occurrences of a specified substring with another substring.
   String str = 'Hello, Dart!';
   String newStr = str.replaceFirst('Dart', 'World');
   print(newStr); // Output: Hello, World!​
1. Dart includes a large set of core libraries that cover a wide range of programming tasks.

2. Every Dart application has built-in types, collections, and other essential functions (dart: core)

3. Queues, linked lists, hashmaps, and binary trees are more advanced collection types (dart: collection)

4. Converting between multiple data representations, such as JSON and UTF-8, with encoders and decoders (dart: convert)

5. Random number creation and mathematical constants and functions (dart: math)

6. Non-web apps can use file, socket, HTTP, and other I/O methods (dart: io)

7. Future and Stream classes provide asynchronous programming support (dart: async)

8. Fixed-size data (for example, unsigned 8-byte integers) and SIMD numeric types (dart: typed data) are effectively handled by lists.

9. For interoperability with other code that uses a C-style interface, foreign function interfaces are used (dart:ffi)

10. Concurrent programming using isolates- autonomous workers that are comparable to threads but don't share memory and communicate only via messages — are used in concurrent programming (dart: isolate)

11. HTML components and other resources for web applications that require interaction with the browser and the Document Object Model (DOM) (dart: Html)
Many necessary supplemental packages are available from the Dart team, including:

Characters : Characters, also known as Unicode (extended) grapheme clusters, are strings seen as sequences of user-perceived characters. The Characters class provides access to a string's feelings and a mechanism to move between them using a CharacterRange.

Intl : Intl is the most important library. It declares the Intl class, the default locale, and methods for interacting with most internationalization processes. The DateFormat, NumberFormat, and BidiFormatter classes are also defined in this package.

HTTP : This package includes a collection of high-level methods and classes for consuming HTTP resources. It's cross-platform, with mobile, desktop, and browser support. The top-level functions provide the most convenient access to this library.

Crypto : A collection of cryptographic hashing methods written entirely in Dart in a single input digest. It can Invoke the convert method on the sha1, sha256, or md5 objects to hash a list of bytes.

Markdown : Markdown library is a Dart-based portable. On both the client and the server, it can parse Markdown into HTML. A few Markdown extensions are supported and provided in the initial Perl Markdown implementation. The ones that CommonMark supports are activated by default.
In Dart, a constructor is a special type of function that is used for creating and initializing objects of a class. It is called when you create a new instance (object) of a class using the `new` keyword or using constructor cascading.

Here are some key points about constructors in Dart and how they differ from regular functions:

1. Purpose : The primary purpose of a constructor is to initialize the state (data) of an object when it is created. It is responsible for setting the initial values of instance variables and performing any necessary setup operations.

2. Name : Constructors have the same name as the class they belong to. This allows Dart to associate the constructor with the class and determine which constructor to call when creating objects.

3. No return type : Constructors do not have an explicit return type specified. They implicitly return an instance of the class being constructed.

4. Execution : Constructors are automatically invoked when an object is created using the `new` keyword or constructor cascading. They are executed before any other code inside the class.

5. Overloading : Dart supports constructor overloading, which means you can define multiple constructors with different parameter lists. This allows you to create objects with different initializations or provide flexibility in object creation.

6. Default constructor : If you don't define any constructors in a class, Dart provides a default constructor. The default constructor does not take any parameters and initializes the object with default values (e.g., null for object references, 0 for integers, etc.).

7. Initialization list : Constructors can have an initialization list, which is a comma-separated list of expressions preceded by a colon (`:`). The initialization list allows you to set the initial values of instance variables before the constructor body executes.
Here's an example that demonstrates the concept of constructors :
class Person {
  String name;
  int age;

  // Constructor with parameters
  Person(String name, int age) { = name;
    this.age = age;

  // Named constructor
  Person.guest() {
    name = 'Guest';
    age = 18;
  // Constructor with initialization list
  Person.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
      : name = json['name'],
        age = json['age'];

  // Regular function
  void sayHello() {
    print('Hello, my name is $name. I am $age years old.');

void main() {
  // Creating objects using different constructors
  Person person1 = Person('Alice', 25);
  Person person2 = Person.guest();
  Person person3 = Person.fromJson({'name': 'Bob', 'age': 30});

  // Calling a regular function

In the above example, the `Person` class has multiple constructors. The first constructor takes `name` and `age` as parameters and initializes the instance variables. The second constructor named `guest` sets default values for a guest user. The third constructor `fromJson` takes a JSON map and initializes the object based on the provided data.

Regular functions, on the other hand, are not associated with a class and are standalone entities. They are defined using the `returnType functionName(parameters)` syntax and can be called anywhere in the code.

The key difference between constructors and regular functions is that constructors are used specifically for object initialization, while regular functions are used for general-purpose operations and logic that may or may not be related to object creation and initialization.
In Dart, the "async" and "await" keywords are used in conjunction to handle asynchronous operations and make asynchronous code more readable and manageable. Here's an explanation of each keyword and their purpose:

1. async : The "async" keyword is used to mark a function as asynchronous. An asynchronous function can perform time-consuming operations without blocking the execution of other code. It allows you to write code that appears synchronous even though it may involve asynchronous tasks.

   When you mark a function as "async," it means that the function can use the "await" keyword to pause its execution and wait for asynchronous operations to complete. Asynchronous functions return a Future object that represents the eventual completion of the function's execution.

2. await : The "await" keyword is used within an asynchronous function to pause its execution until a Future completes and returns a result. It can only be used inside an "async" function. When an "await" expression is encountered, the function is temporarily suspended, allowing other code to execute.

   The "await" keyword is typically used before an asynchronous operation, such as making an HTTP request, reading from a file, or querying a database. It allows you to write code that waits for the completion of the asynchronous task before proceeding.

   By using "await," you can write asynchronous code that looks and behaves more like synchronous code, making it easier to read, understand, and reason about asynchronous operations.

Here's an example that demonstrates the usage of "async" and "await":
import 'dart:io';

void main() async {
  await performTask();

Future<void> performTask() async {
  print('Task started');
  await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 2));
  print('Task completed');
In the example above, the `main` function is marked as "async," which allows it to use the "await" keyword. Inside the `main` function, we call the `performTask` function using "await," which suspends the execution of the `main` function until the `performTask` function completes.

The `performTask` function is also marked as "async" and returns a `Future<void>`. Inside the `performTask` function, we use `await` before `Future.delayed` to pause the execution of the function for 2 seconds, simulating a time-consuming task. Once the delay completes, the function resumes, and the remaining code is executed.

When you run the above code, it will output :
Task started
Task completed

The use of "async" and "await" simplifies the code by eliminating the need for callback functions or chaining promises. It allows you to write asynchronous code in a more sequential and readable manner, making it easier to handle asynchronous operations and avoid callback hell.
In Dart, functions can be categorized as either "async" or "sync" based on how they handle asynchronous operations. Here's a comparison between async and sync functions:

1. Execution Model :

   * Sync Functions : Synchronous functions execute sequentially, blocking the execution of other code until they complete. They do not involve any asynchronous operations and are suitable for performing tasks that do not require waiting for external resources or I/O operations.
   * Async Functions : Asynchronous functions execute asynchronously and do not block the execution of other code. They can perform time-consuming operations, such as I/O operations or waiting for external resources, without halting the program's progress. Async functions use non-blocking mechanisms, such as Futures or Streams, to handle asynchronous tasks.

2. Syntax :

   * Sync Functions : Sync functions do not have any special keywords associated with them. They are the default type of function in Dart. You define a sync function by specifying the return type and function name, followed by the parameter list and function body. The execution flows in a synchronous manner from the beginning to the end of the function.
   * Async Functions : Async functions are marked with the "async" keyword in their function declaration. The "async" keyword indicates that the function contains asynchronous code and can use the "await" keyword to pause its execution until asynchronous operations complete. An async function returns a Future that represents the eventual completion of the function.

3. Usage of "await" :

   * Sync Functions : Sync functions cannot use the "await" keyword because they do not involve asynchronous operations. The execution of a sync function proceeds immediately to the next line after each statement.
   * Async Functions : Async functions can use the "await" keyword to pause their execution until an asynchronous operation completes. The "await" keyword allows the function to wait for the result of an asynchronous operation before proceeding to the next line of code. The use of "await" is only valid inside an async function.
4. Return Type :

   * Sync Functions : Sync functions can have any valid Dart return type, such as int, String, bool, etc. They explicitly return a value using the "return" statement, or implicitly return "null" if no value is specified.
   * Async Functions : Async functions return a Future object that represents the eventual completion of the function. The return type of an async function is either "Future" or "Future<T>", where "T" represents the type of the value that the function eventually returns.

Here's an example to illustrate the difference between async and sync functions:
void main() {
  print('After syncFunction');
  print('After asyncFunction');

void syncFunction() {
  print('Sync function');

Future<void> asyncFunction() async {
  print('Async function started');
  await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 2));
  print('Async function completed');

Output :
Sync function
After syncFunction
Async function started
After asyncFunction
Async function completed​

In the example above, the `syncFunction` is a sync function, and it executes synchronously without any delays. The execution proceeds to the next line immediately after the function call.

The `asyncFunction` is an async function. It is marked with the "async" keyword, allowing the use of "await" inside the function. Inside the async function, we use `await` before `Future.delayed` to introduce a delay of 2 seconds. As a result, the execution of the async function pauses at the `await` statement, allowing other code (e.g., the next `print` statement) to execute.
In Dart, null values can be handled using various techniques and operators to ensure code safety and prevent null-related errors. Here are some approaches to handle null values in Dart:

1. Null-aware Operators :

   * Conditional Access Operator (?.) : This operator allows you to access properties or call methods on an object only if the object is not null. If the object is null, the expression returns null without throwing an exception. For example:
     String? name;
     int nameLength = name?.length ?? 0; // Using ?. and ?? operators to handle null​

   * Null-aware Assignment Operator (??=) : This operator assigns a value to a variable only if the variable is currently null. If the variable is already assigned a non-null value, the assignment is skipped. For example:
     String? name;
     name ??= 'John'; // Assigning a default value if name is null​

2. Null Check Operators :

   * Null-aware Access (?.) : The null-aware access operator (?.) is used to safely access properties or methods on an object. If the object is null, the entire expression evaluates to null. For example:
     String? name;
     if (name?.isEmpty == true) {
       // Code block executes only if name is not null and is empty

   * Null Assertion Operator (!) : The null assertion operator (!) asserts that an expression is not null, allowing you to override null safety checks. It should be used with caution as it may lead to a runtime exception if the expression is null. For example:
     String? name;
     int nameLength = name!.length; // Asserting that name is not null​
3. Conditional Statements :

   * if-null Operator (??) : This operator provides a concise way to specify a default value when a variable is null. If the variable is null, the expression after ?? is evaluated and returned. For example:
     String? name;
     String fullName = name ?? 'Guest'; // Assigning a default value if name is null​

   * Conditional Statements : Traditional conditional statements, such as `if` and `else`, can be used to explicitly handle null values. You can check if a variable is null and take appropriate actions based on that. For example:
     String? name;
     if (name == null) {
       // Code block executes if name is null
     } else {
       // Code block executes if name is not null

4. Null Safety :

   Dart 2.12 introduced null safety, which provides compile-time checks to help prevent null-related errors. By enabling null safety, variables are classified into nullable (`Type?`) and non-nullable (`Type`) types. Non-nullable types guarantee that a value is never null, while nullable types allow null values. This helps in catching potential null-related issues during compilation.

   For example :
   String? nullableName = null;
   String nonNullableName = 'John';​

   Null safety encourages the use of non-nullable types whenever possible, reducing the chances of encountering null-related errors.
* Lambda is a short way to represent tiny functions.

* Arrow functions and lambda functions are both terms for the same thing.

* However, keep in mind that you can only return one expression with the Lambda function syntax. It can only be a single-line expression. A lambda function cannot run a block of code, just like a regular function.

* To summarise, if your function only returns one expression, you can use the lambda function to quickly represent it in only one line.

Example :
void main() {
printMsg()= >
int test()= 123;
// returning function​
The Dart relies heavily on snapshots. Snapshots are files that include objects and other runtime information.

Script snapshots :  Snapshot files can be created from Dart programs. All of the program code and dependencies are prepared and ready to run in these folders. This enables quick start-ups.

Full snapshots : The Dart core libraries can be compiled into a snapshot file, allowing them to be loaded quickly. The core libraries are prebuilt snapshots that are loaded at runtime in most standard distributions of the main Dart.

Object snapshots : Dart is an asynchronous programming language. For concurrency, it takes advantage of isolates. Because these are message-passing workers, a mechanism to serialize a message is required. This is accomplished by creating a snapshot from a particular object, which is then passed to another isolate for deserialization.
Encapsulation is an object-oriented programming principle that focuses on hiding the internal implementation details of a class and providing a well-defined interface to interact with the class. It helps in organizing and structuring code, as well as protecting data from unauthorized access and modification. Encapsulation in Dart is achieved through the use of classes, access modifiers, and getter/setter methods.

Here are the key aspects of encapsulation in Dart:

1. Classes : Classes serve as the building blocks of encapsulation in Dart. A class encapsulates related data (attributes/properties) and behavior (methods/functions) into a single unit. It defines the structure and behavior of objects.

2. Access Modifiers : Dart provides three access modifiers to control the visibility and accessibility of class members (variables and methods):

* Public Access (default) : Class members declared without any access modifier are considered public and can be accessed from anywhere.
* Private Access (_) : By prefixing an identifier with an underscore (_), it becomes private to the library or file in which it is defined. Private members cannot be accessed from outside the defining library or file.

* Protected Access (deprecated) : Dart does not have a built-in protected access modifier. Previously, the `protected` keyword was available, but it has been deprecated.

By using access modifiers appropriately, you can control the visibility of class members and limit their access to specific parts of your code.
3. Getter and Setter Methods : Dart provides getter and setter methods, also known as accessors, to provide controlled access to private class members and enforce data encapsulation. Getters retrieve the value of a private member, and setters allow modification of the value.

   * Getter : A getter is a method used to retrieve the value of a private member. It provides read-only access to the member. Getters are defined using the `get` keyword followed by the method name. For example:
     class MyClass {
       int _myPrivateVar = 42;

       int get myPrivateVar => _myPrivateVar;

  * Setter : A setter is a method used to modify the value of a private member. It provides write-only access to the member. Setters are defined using the `set` keyword followed by the method name. For example:
     class MyClass {
       int _myPrivateVar = 42;

       set myPrivateVar(int value) {
         _myPrivateVar = value;

   By using getter and setter methods, you can encapsulate the internal state of an object and control how the data is accessed and modified.

Encapsulation allows you to define clear boundaries between different parts of your code, making it easier to manage and maintain. It promotes code reusability, as the internal implementation details of a class can be modified without affecting the code that interacts with it. Encapsulation also provides data protection and reduces the likelihood of bugs caused by unauthorized access or modification of class members.
In Dart, the double dot (`..`) is known as the cascade notation or cascade operator. It provides a concise way to perform a sequence of operations on the same object without repeating the object reference.

The cascade notation allows you to chain multiple method calls or property assignments on the same object. It is especially useful when you need to perform a series of modifications or operations on an object in a fluent and readable manner.

Here's an example to illustrate the usage of the double dot (`..`) cascade notation:
class Person {
  String name = '';
  int age = 0;
  String address = '';

  void printDetails() {
    print('Name: $name');
    print('Age: $age');
    print('Address: $address');

void main() {
  var person = Person() = 'John Doe'
    ..age = 30
    ..address = '123 Main St';

In the example above, we define a `Person` class with three properties: `name`, `age`, and `address`. The `printDetails` method prints the values of these properties.

In the `main` function, we create an instance of the `Person` class using the `var` keyword. The double dot (`..`) cascade notation allows us to perform multiple property assignments (`name`, `age`, `address`) on the `person` object without repeating the object reference.

The cascade notation simplifies the code by chaining the property assignments together. It enhances readability and reduces redundancy, especially when multiple modifications need to be made to an object.

When you run the code, it will output :
Name: John Doe
Age: 30
Address: 123 Main St​

The cascade notation (`..`) can be used with any object that has methods or properties. It allows you to chain multiple method calls or property assignments in a concise and readable way, making the code more expressive and compact.
Generics in Dart provide a way to create reusable and type-safe code by allowing classes, functions, and interfaces to operate on different types without sacrificing type safety at compile-time. Generics enable the creation of flexible and reusable code that can work with multiple data types while preserving type checks and avoiding the need for unnecessary type casting.

Here are the key concepts related to generics in Dart :

1. Generic Classes : A generic class is a class that can operate on different types of objects. It is defined by specifying one or more type parameters in angle brackets (`<>`) after the class name. Type parameters represent placeholder types that are substituted with actual types when instances of the class are created. For example:
   class Box<T> {
     T value;


   void main() {
     var box = Box<int>(42);
     print(box.value); // Output: 42

   In the example above, the `Box` class is defined with a type parameter `T`. The `Box` class can be instantiated with different types, such as `int`, `String`, or custom types. The type parameter `T` is used as the type of the `value` property.

2. Generic Functions : Similar to generic classes, Dart also allows the creation of generic functions. Generic functions can operate on multiple types by using type parameters. Type parameters for functions are also specified using angle brackets (`<>`). For example:
   T findFirst<T>(List<T> items) {
     if (items.isNotEmpty) {
       return items[0];
     return null;

   void main() {
     var numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
     var firstNumber = findFirst<int>(numbers);
     print(firstNumber); // Output: 1
   In the above example, the `findFirst` function is a generic function that takes a list of type `T` and returns the first element of the list. The type parameter `T` is specified when calling the function.

3. Generic Constraints : Dart provides the ability to apply constraints on type parameters to restrict the types that can be used. This ensures that the generic code is used with compatible types. Constraints can be applied using the `extends` keyword followed by the type or interface that the type parameter must extend or implement. For example:
   class Box<T extends num> {
     T value;


   void main() {
     var box1 = Box<int>(42);   // OK, int extends num
     var box2 = Box<double>(3.14);  // OK, double extends num
     var box3 = Box<String>('hello');  // Error, String does not extend num

   In the example above, the `Box` class is constrained with the `num` type using the `extends` keyword. This means that the type parameter `T` must be a subtype of `num`. Therefore, `int` and `double` are valid types for `T`, but `String` is not.

Generics in Dart provide a powerful mechanism for writing reusable and type-safe code that can work with various types. It promotes code reusability, enhances type safety, and reduces the need for explicit type casting. By utilizing generics effectively, you can write more flexible and maintainable code in Dart.
In Dart, exceptions are handled using try-catch blocks. The try block contains the code that may potentially throw an exception, and the catch block catches and handles the thrown exception. Here's the basic syntax for exception handling in Dart:
try {
  // Code that may throw an exception
} catch (exception) {
  // Exception handling code

Let's explore the different aspects of exception handling in Dart :

1. Throwing Exceptions :

   Exceptions can be thrown using the `throw` keyword followed by an instance of an exception or an object that implements the `Exception` class. Dart provides various built-in exception classes, such as `Exception`, `Error`, and their subclasses, or you can define custom exception classes by extending the `Exception` class or any of its subclasses.
   void divide(int a, int b) {
     if (b == 0) {
       throw Exception('Division by zero is not allowed.');
     print(a / b);

   In the example above, the `divide` function throws an instance of the `Exception` class with a custom error message if the second argument `b` is zero.

2. Catching Exceptions :

   Exceptions are caught and handled using catch blocks. The catch block specifies the exception type that it can handle, and the caught exception can be accessed using a named identifier. Multiple catch blocks can be chained to handle different types of exceptions.
   try {
     // Code that may throw an exception
   } catch (exceptionType) {
     // Exception handling code for exceptionType
   } catch (anotherExceptionType) {
     // Exception handling code for anotherExceptionType

   In the catch block, you can provide specific exception types to catch specific exceptions or use the `on` keyword to catch exceptions of specific types.
   try {
     divide(10, 0);
   } catch (e) {
     print('Exception occurred: $e');

   In the example above, the `divide` function is called within the try block. If an exception is thrown, it will be caught in the catch block, and the error message will be printed.
3. Finally Block :

   Additionally, you can use a `finally` block to specify code that should always be executed, regardless of whether an exception is thrown or not. The code in the `finally` block executes regardless of whether an exception is caught or not.
   try {
     // Code that may throw an exception
   } catch (exception) {
     // Exception handling code
   } finally {
     // Code that always executes

   The code in the `finally` block is useful for releasing resources or performing cleanup operations.

4. Rethrowing Exceptions :

   Dart allows you to rethrow caught exceptions using the `rethrow` keyword. This allows you to catch an exception, perform additional operations or logging, and then rethrow the same exception to be caught at a higher level.
   try {
     divide(10, 0);
   } catch (e) {
     print('Exception occurred: $e');
     // Perform additional operations or logging
     rethrow; // Rethrow the caught exception

   In the example above, the caught exception is printed, and additional operations or logging can be performed before rethrowing the exception.
Dart provides several built-in collection types to store and manipulate groups of objects. Here are the different types of collections available in Dart:

* List : A List represents an ordered collection of objects, where each object can be accessed by its index. Lists in Dart are similar to arrays in other programming languages. They can grow or shrink dynamically and allow duplicates.

* Set : A Set represents an unordered collection of unique objects. Sets do not preserve the order of elements, and they automatically remove duplicate values when adding elements.

* Map : A Map is a collection of key-value pairs, where each key is unique. Maps provide an efficient way to look up values based on their associated keys. The keys and values can be of any type.

* Queue : A Queue is a collection that allows adding elements at the end and removing elements from the front. It follows the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) principle, where the element added first is the first one to be removed.

* Stack : A Stack is a collection that allows adding elements at the top and removing elements from the top. It follows the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) principle, where the element added last is the first one to be removed.

* LinkedHashMap : A LinkedHashMap is a Map implementation that maintains the order of key-value pairs based on their insertion order. It combines the properties of a Map and a LinkedList.

* HashSet : A HashSet is a specialized implementation of Set that provides constant-time performance for basic operations such as adding, removing, and checking for the existence of an element.

* LinkedList : A LinkedList is a collection that represents a sequence of elements, where each element has a reference to the next and previous elements. It provides efficient insertion and deletion operations at both ends of the list.

These collection types in Dart offer different behaviors and performance characteristics, allowing you to choose the one that best fits your specific use case.
In Dart, mixins are a way to reuse code across multiple class hierarchies without the need for inheritance. Mixins allow you to add functionality to a class by "mixing in" the code from one or more mixin classes. This enables code reuse and promotes modular and flexible design.

Here are the key concepts related to mixins in Dart:

1. Mixin Classes : A mixin class in Dart is a class that provides a set of methods and properties that can be added to other classes. A mixin class is defined using the `mixin` keyword followed by the class name. It cannot have constructors and cannot be instantiated directly.
   mixin LoggerMixin {
     void log(String message) {
       print('Log: $message');

   In the example above, we define a mixin class called `LoggerMixin` that provides a `log` method for logging messages.

2. Using Mixins : To use a mixin in a class, you need to include it using the `with` keyword followed by the name of the mixin class. You can include multiple mixins by separating them with commas.
   class MyClass with LoggerMixin {
     void doSomething() {
       log('Doing something...');

   In the example above, the `MyClass` class uses the `LoggerMixin` by including it with the `with` keyword. As a result, the `doSomething` method in `MyClass` can call the `log` method defined in the `LoggerMixin`.
3. Mixin Application Rules : When a mixin is applied to a class, certain rules govern how the mixin's code is integrated into the class:

   * The mixin's superclass must be the superclass of the class being mixed into.
   * The mixin cannot invoke the constructor of the class it is mixed into.
   * The mixin can extend other classes or implement interfaces.
   * The mixin can only access the public members of the class it is mixed into.

   Mixins provide a way to add reusable behavior to classes without the limitations of single inheritance. They allow you to compose classes with different sets of behaviors and promote code reuse and modularity.

It's important to note that starting from Dart 2.1, the `on` keyword is used to restrict mixins to specific types. You can specify the types or interfaces that a mixin can be applied to using the `on` keyword followed by the desired types or interfaces. This allows you to ensure that a mixin is only applied to compatible classes or interfaces.
mixin LoggerMixin on SomeClass {
  // Mixin code

In the example above, the `LoggerMixin` can only be applied to classes that are subclasses of `SomeClass`.

Mixins are a powerful feature in Dart that enable code reuse and composition, allowing you to create more flexible and modular class hierarchies.
In Dart, asynchronous operations are handled using asynchronous programming techniques, which allow you to perform operations without blocking the execution of your code. Asynchronous programming is particularly useful when dealing with time-consuming tasks such as network requests, file operations, or interactions with databases. Dart provides several mechanisms to handle asynchronous operations:

1. Future and async/await : Dart utilizes the `Future` class, which represents a value that may not be available immediately. The `async` and `await` keywords are used together to work with asynchronous operations in a synchronous manner, making the code more readable and easier to follow.

   * `async`: The `async` keyword is used to mark a function as asynchronous. It allows you to use the `await` keyword within the function body to wait for the completion of asynchronous operations.

   * `await`: The `await` keyword is used to pause the execution of an `async` function until a `Future` completes. It allows you to extract the result of the `Future` once it's available.

   Here's an example that demonstrates the usage of `async` and `await`:
   Future<void> fetchData() async {
     // Simulating an asynchronous operation
     await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 2));
     print('Data fetched!');

   void main() {

   Output :
   Data fetched!​

   In the example above, the `fetchData` function is marked as `async`, and the `await` keyword is used to pause the execution until the `Future.delayed` operation completes. The delay simulates an asynchronous operation, and once the delay is over, the code resumes execution, and "Data fetched!" is printed.

2. Callbacks and Futures : Dart also provides the option to handle asynchronous operations using callbacks and `Future` objects directly. This approach involves registering callbacks to be executed when a `Future` completes.
   void fetchData() {
     Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 2)).then((_) {
       print('Data fetched!');

   void main() {

   Output :
   Data fetched!​
   In this example, the `then` method is used to register a callback to be executed when the `Future.delayed` operation completes. Once the delay is over, the callback is invoked, and "Data fetched!" is printed.

3. Streams : Dart provides a `Stream` class to handle continuous asynchronous data streams, such as real-time data feeds or event streams. Streams are a sequence of asynchronous events that can be listened to and processed.
   Stream<int> countDown(int from) async* {
     for (int i = from; i >= 0; i--) {
       await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1));
       yield i;

   void main() {
     countDown(5).listen((value) {

   Output :

   In this example, the `countDown` function returns a `Stream` that emits integers from a given number down to zero. The `listen` method is used to subscribe to the stream and receive the emitted values. As the countdown progresses, the callback inside `listen` is invoked for each emitted
In Dart, concurrency can be implemented using isolates. Isolates are independent units of execution that run concurrently and can communicate with each other through message passing. Each isolate has its own memory and runs in parallel with other isolates, allowing for true concurrent execution.

To implement concurrency in Dart, you can follow these steps:

1.  Spawn an Isolate : Use the `Isolate.spawn()` function to create a new isolate and start its execution. The `spawn()` function takes a callback function as an argument, which will be the entry point of the isolate.
   import 'dart:isolate';

   void isolateFunction(SendPort sendPort) {
     // Isolate execution logic

   void main() {
     Isolate.spawn(isolateFunction, null);

   In the example above, the `isolateFunction` is the entry point of the spawned isolate. It receives a `SendPort` that can be used to communicate with the isolate.

2. Send and Receive Messages : Isolates communicate with each other by sending and receiving messages through `SendPort` and `ReceivePort` objects. The `SendPort` is used to send messages from one isolate to another, while the `ReceivePort` is used to receive messages.
  import 'dart:isolate';

   void isolateFunction(SendPort sendPort) {
     // Receiving messages
     ReceivePort receivePort = ReceivePort();
     receivePort.listen((message) {
       print('Received message: $message');

     // Sending messages
     sendPort.send('Hello from isolate!');

   void main() async {
     ReceivePort mainReceivePort = ReceivePort();
     Isolate isolate = await Isolate.spawn(isolateFunction, mainReceivePort.sendPort);

     mainReceivePort.listen((message) {
       print('Received message in main: $message');
   In the example above, the main isolate creates a `ReceivePort` called `mainReceivePort` to receive messages from the spawned isolate. The spawned isolate sends its `ReceivePort` to the main isolate through the `SendPort`. The main isolate listens to messages on its `mainReceivePort` and prints them. The spawned isolate sends a message to the main isolate.

3. Handle Communication : To handle communication between isolates, you can use `SendPort` and `ReceivePort` objects. `SendPort` allows you to send messages to another isolate, while `ReceivePort` allows you to listen to incoming messages.
   import 'dart:isolate';

   void isolateFunction(SendPort sendPort) {
     sendPort.send('Hello from isolate!');

   void main() async {
     ReceivePort receivePort = ReceivePort();
     Isolate isolate = await Isolate.spawn(isolateFunction, receivePort.sendPort);

     receivePort.listen((message) {
       print('Received message: $message');

   In this simplified example, the main isolate creates a `ReceivePort` to listen for messages. The spawned isolate sends a message to the main isolate through the `SendPort`. The main isolate listens for messages on its `receivePort` and prints the received message.

Concurrency in Dart using isolates allows you to achieve true parallel execution and enables you to take advantage of multi-core processors to perform computationally intensive tasks or handle concurrent I/O operations. By using message passing, isolates can communicate and share data in a controlled manner, ensuring safe concurrent execution.
In Dart, the `main()` function serves as the entry point of a Dart program. It is the function that is executed when the program starts running. The `main()` function is mandatory in every Dart program and is typically the first function that gets executed.

Here are the key points regarding the `main()` function:

1. Function Signature : The `main()` function has a specific signature: it must be defined as a top-level function and have a return type of `void`. It does not accept any arguments.
   void main() {
     // Program execution starts here

2. Execution Start : When a Dart program is executed, the code inside the `main()` function is executed sequentially. It acts as the starting point of the program's execution.

3. Top-Level Function : The `main()` function must be defined at the top level of the Dart program, meaning it cannot be defined inside another function, class, or any other block of code.

4. Program Termination : The `main()` function acts as the last executed code block in the program. Once the execution of the `main()` function completes, the program terminates.

The `main()` function allows you to define the initial logic of your Dart program. You can use it to call other functions, instantiate objects, perform calculations, handle user input, or execute any other code that needs to be executed when the program starts running. It provides a centralized location where the program's execution begins and allows you to structure and organize your code effectively.
In Dart, you can use several types of loops to iterate over a set of values or perform repetitive tasks. The different types of loops available in Dart are:

1. for loop : The `for` loop allows you to iterate over a sequence of values for a specified number of times. It consists of an initialization statement, a condition, and an iteration statement.
   for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

   In this example, the `for` loop will iterate from 0 to 4, printing the values of `i` in each iteration.

2. for-in loop : The `for-in` loop is used to iterate over elements of an iterable object such as lists, sets, or strings.
   var myList = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
   for (var item in myList) {

   In this example, the `for-in` loop iterates over each element in the `myList` list and prints the values.

3. while loop : The `while` loop repeatedly executes a block of code as long as a given condition is true.
   var i = 0;
   while (i < 5) {

   This example demonstrates a `while` loop that prints the values of `i` from 0 to 4.
4. do-while loop : The `do-while` loop is similar to the `while` loop, but the condition is checked after the code block is executed. This guarantees that the code block is executed at least once.
   var i = 0;
   do {
   } while (i < 5);​

   In this example, the `do-while` loop prints the values of `i` from 0 to 4.

5. forEach loop : The `forEach` loop is used to iterate over elements of an iterable object and execute a function for each element.
   var myList = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
   myList.forEach((item) {

   This example uses the `forEach` loop to iterate over each element in the `myList` list and execute the provided function for each element.
In Dart, the `truncate()` methods are used to truncate a floating-point number to an integer value. Dart provides two methods for truncation:

1. `truncate()` : The `truncate()` method returns the integer obtained by discarding any fractional digits from a floating-point number towards zero.
   double number = 3.8;
   int truncatedNumber = number.truncate();
   print(truncatedNumber);  // Output: 3​

   In this example, the `truncate()` method is called on the `number` variable, which has a value of 3.8. The method truncates the decimal part, resulting in an integer value of 3.
2. `truncateToDouble()` : The `truncateToDouble()` method works similarly to `truncate()`, but it returns the result as a `double` instead of an `int`.
   double number = 5.6;
   double truncatedNumber = number.truncateToDouble();
   print(truncatedNumber);  // Output: 5.0​

   Here, the `truncateToDouble()` method is used on the `number` variable with a value of 5.6. It truncates the decimal part and returns the result as a `double`, resulting in the value 5.0.

The `truncate()` methods are useful when you want to discard the fractional part of a floating-point number and obtain the integer value. It can be used in various scenarios, such as converting a floating-point number to an integer index or performing calculations where only the whole number portion is relevant.
Method overriding in Dart is a feature of object-oriented programming that allows a subclass to provide a different implementation for a method that is already defined in its superclass. When a method in the subclass has the same name, return type, and parameters as a method in the superclass, it overrides the superclass method.

Here are the key points to understand method overriding in Dart:

1. Inheritance Relationship : Method overriding occurs in the context of inheritance, where one class (subclass) inherits properties and behaviors from another class (superclass).

2. Same Signature : For a method in a subclass to override a method in its superclass, they must have the same name, return type, and parameter types. The method in the superclass must also be marked with the `@override` annotation to explicitly indicate the intention to override.
   class Superclass {
     void someMethod() {
       print('Superclass method');

   class Subclass extends Superclass {
     void someMethod() {
       print('Subclass method');

   In this example, the `Subclass` overrides the `someMethod()` from the `Superclass` by providing its own implementation.
3. Invocation : When a method is invoked on an object of the subclass, the Dart runtime first checks if the method is overridden in the subclass. If it is, the overridden method in the subclass is executed. If not, the method in the superclass is executed.
   Superclass superObj = Superclass();
   Subclass subObj = Subclass();

   superObj.someMethod();  // Output: Superclass method
   subObj.someMethod();    // Output: Subclass method​

   Here, the `someMethod()` is invoked on both `superObj` and `subObj`. The actual implementation executed depends on the type of the object.

Method overriding allows subclasses to provide specialized behavior while still maintaining the inheritance hierarchy. It enables polymorphism, where objects of different classes can be used interchangeably, and the appropriate method implementation is called based on the actual object type at runtime. This feature is fundamental to achieving code reusability, extensibility, and supporting dynamic dispatch in Dart's object-oriented programming paradigm.