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Dart - Interview Questions
What are the core libraries in Dart?
1. Dart includes a large set of core libraries that cover a wide range of programming tasks.

2. Every Dart application has built-in types, collections, and other essential functions (dart: core)

3. Queues, linked lists, hashmaps, and binary trees are more advanced collection types (dart: collection)

4. Converting between multiple data representations, such as JSON and UTF-8, with encoders and decoders (dart: convert)

5. Random number creation and mathematical constants and functions (dart: math)

6. Non-web apps can use file, socket, HTTP, and other I/O methods (dart: io)

7. Future and Stream classes provide asynchronous programming support (dart: async)

8. Fixed-size data (for example, unsigned 8-byte integers) and SIMD numeric types (dart: typed data) are effectively handled by lists.

9. For interoperability with other code that uses a C-style interface, foreign function interfaces are used (dart:ffi)

10. Concurrent programming using isolates- autonomous workers that are comparable to threads but don't share memory and communicate only via messages — are used in concurrent programming (dart: isolate)

11. HTML components and other resources for web applications that require interaction with the browser and the Document Object Model (DOM) (dart: Html)