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Memcached Interview Questions
Memcached is an open-source, high-performance distributed memory caching system. It is primarily used to speed up dynamic web applications by alleviating database load.

In essence, Memcached stores data in memory and allows for lightning-fast retrieval. It operates by caching frequently accessed data, such as database query results, API responses, or page rendering outputs, in a distributed cache across multiple servers. This helps reduce the time and resources required to fetch the same data repeatedly from slower data storage systems, such as disk-based databases.

Memcached follows a client-server architecture, where client applications communicate with Memcached servers over a network. It employs a simple key-value storage mechanism, where data is stored and retrieved using unique keys.

Key features of Memcached include its simplicity, scalability, and high-performance capabilities. It is widely used in various web applications, content delivery networks (CDNs), and caching layers in distributed systems to improve overall performance and scalability.
Memcached is primarily written in the C programming language. It was originally developed by Brad Fitzpatrick in 2003 while he was working at LiveJournal, but now it is used by Wikipedia, Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, Netlog, YouTube, etc.

a popular social networking site at the time. Fitzpatrick created Memcached to address the performance bottlenecks LiveJournal was experiencing due to heavy database load.

Memcached was later released as an open-source project, and it has since become one of the most widely used caching systems in the world, powering many high-traffic websites and web applications.
Memcached operates as a distributed memory caching system, designed to improve the performance and scalability of web applications. Here's a simplified explanation of how Memcached works:

Client-Server Architecture : Memcached follows a client-server architecture. Client applications interact with Memcached servers over a network using a simple protocol.

In-Memory Data Storage : Memcached stores data in memory, which allows for extremely fast read and write operations. This data is organized as key-value pairs.

Caching Mechanism : When a client application needs to retrieve data, it first checks if the data is available in Memcached. If the data is found (a cache hit), it is quickly returned to the client. If the data is not found (a cache miss), the client fetches the data from the primary data source (such as a database) and stores it in Memcached for future access.

Key-Value Storage : Data in Memcached is stored using unique keys. Each key is associated with a corresponding value, which can be any arbitrary data such as strings, numbers, or serialized objects.

Hashing for Distribution : Memcached uses consistent hashing to distribute data across multiple servers in a cluster. This ensures that data is evenly distributed and allows for scalability by adding or removing servers dynamically without affecting the overall system.

Expiration and Eviction : Memcached supports setting expiration times for cached data. After the expiration time elapses, the data is automatically evicted from the cache. Additionally, Memcached employs an LRU (Least Recently Used) eviction policy to remove least recently accessed data when memory is full.

Client Libraries : Memcached provides client libraries for various programming languages, allowing developers to easily integrate caching functionality into their applications. These libraries handle communication with Memcached servers and provide simple APIs for storing and retrieving data.
Memcached and Redis are both popular in-memory data stores used for caching and improving the performance of web applications, but they have some significant differences:

Data Structures :
* Memcached : Memcached primarily offers a simple key-value data model. It supports storing strings as values, and the keys are typically strings as well.
* Redis : Redis supports a variety of data structures, including strings, lists, sets, sorted sets, hashes, and more. This allows for more advanced data manipulation and storage patterns beyond basic key-value pairs.

Data Persistence :
* Memcached : Memcached is designed as an in-memory cache, and data is not persisted to disk by default. It relies on a transient caching mechanism, and data may be lost in the event of a server restart or failure.
* Redis : Redis provides various persistence options, including snapshotting and append-only file (AOF) persistence. This allows Redis to store data permanently on disk, making it suitable for use cases where durability is required.

Atomic Operations :
* Memcached : Memcached does not support complex atomic operations. It provides simple operations like SET, GET, DELETE, and increment/decrement for numeric values.
* Redis : Redis supports atomic operations on its data structures, making it suitable for building more complex data manipulation and transactional workflows. This includes operations like atomic increments, list and set manipulation, and more.

Replication and High Availability :
* Memcached : Memcached does not natively support replication or clustering. High availability and scalability are typically achieved through client-side sharding or using a separate layer for clustering.
* Redis : Redis supports replication and clustering out of the box. It offers features like master-slave replication, Sentinel for automatic failover, and Redis Cluster for distributed data storage and high availability.

Performance :
* Memcached : Memcached is known for its simplicity and raw speed. It is optimized for fast read and write operations, making it a popular choice for caching frequently accessed data in high-traffic environments.
* Redis : Redis offers excellent performance as well, but its flexibility and support for more complex data structures can introduce additional overhead compared to Memcached in certain scenarios.

Use Cases :
* Memcached : Memcached is often used as a simple and fast caching layer for web applications, especially in scenarios where raw speed is crucial and the data can be transient.
* Redis : Redis is more versatile and can be used as a caching layer, message broker, real-time analytics store, and more. It is suitable for a wide range of use cases requiring advanced data manipulation and persistence features.
Memcached is used to increase the speed of dynamic database driven websites. It caches data and objects in RAM to reduce the execution time.

It is generally used :

* In social networking sites for profile caching.
* For content aggregation i.e. HTML/Page caching.
* In E-commerce websites for Session and HTML caching.
* In location-based services for database query scaling.
* In gaming and entertainment services for session caching.
* It can also be used to track cookie/ profile for ad targeting.
Best usage of Memcached :

* It is easy to install in Windows as well as in the UNIX operating system.
* It provides API integration for all the major languages like Java, PHP, C/C++, Python, Ruby, Perl, etc.
* It enhances the performance of web application by caching.
* It reduces the burden of the database server.
* It facilitates you to delete one or more values.
* It facilitates you to update the values of keys.
Caching in Memcached revolves around the concept of storing frequently accessed data in memory to speed up access and reduce the load on primary data sources, such as databases or APIs. Here's a detailed explanation of caching in Memcached:

In-Memory Storage : Memcached operates as an in-memory key-value store, meaning it stores data in RAM (random-access memory). This allows for extremely fast read and write operations compared to traditional disk-based storage systems.

Key-Value Pair Storage : Data in Memcached is organized as key-value pairs. Each piece of data stored in Memcached is associated with a unique key, which is used to retrieve the data later. The data itself can be any arbitrary content, such as strings, numbers, or serialized objects.

Frequent Access : Memcached is typically used to cache data that is accessed frequently by an application but may be expensive or slow to retrieve from the primary data source. This can include database query results, API responses, rendered HTML pages, or any other type of data that is accessed repeatedly.
Cache Hit and Cache Miss : When a client application needs to access data, it first checks if the data is available in the Memcached cache. If the data is found (a cache hit), it can be quickly retrieved from memory, avoiding the need to fetch it from the primary data source. If the data is not found (a cache miss), the application fetches the data from the primary source and stores it in the cache for future access.

Expiration and Eviction : Memcached supports setting expiration times for cached data. This allows developers to control how long data remains in the cache before it is considered stale and needs to be refreshed from the primary source. Additionally, Memcached employs eviction policies, such as Least Recently Used (LRU), to remove least recently accessed data from the cache when memory is full.

Consistency : Memcached does not guarantee data consistency across multiple nodes by default. It operates as a distributed cache, and data consistency is the responsibility of the client application. However, Memcached does support mechanisms for cache invalidation and data versioning to help maintain consistency when necessary.

Scalability and Distribution : Memcached is designed to be distributed across multiple servers, allowing for horizontal scalability. Consistent hashing is used to distribute data across nodes in a cluster, ensuring that data is evenly distributed and allowing for dynamic scaling by adding or removing servers as needed.
A list of the limitations or drawbacks of Memcached :

* Memcached cannot store data persistently and permanently.
* Memcached is not a database. It stores only temporary data.
* Memcached cannot cache large objects.
* Memcached is not application specific.
* Memcached is not fault-tolerant or highly available.
Memcached handles cache expiration through the use of expiration times set by the client application when storing data in the cache. Here's how it works:

Expiration Time : When storing data in Memcached, the client application can specify an expiration time for each key-value pair. This expiration time is a duration in seconds after which the data will be considered expired and automatically evicted from the cache.

TTL (Time-to-Live) : The expiration time, also known as the Time-to-Live (TTL), starts counting down from the moment the data is stored in the cache. Once the TTL expires, the data becomes stale, and subsequent attempts to retrieve it will result in a cache miss.

Automatic Eviction : Memcached periodically checks the expiration time of cached items to determine if they have expired. When an item's expiration time is reached, Memcached automatically evicts the item from the cache to reclaim memory space for new data.

Lazy Expiration : Memcached employs a lazy expiration mechanism, meaning it does not actively check every item's expiration time at all times. Instead, it relies on the access pattern of the data. When a client attempts to access an item, Memcached checks if it has expired. If the item has expired, it is evicted from the cache before returning a cache miss to the client.

Eviction Policy : In addition to expiration-based eviction, Memcached may also employ an eviction policy, such as Least Recently Used (LRU), to handle situations where the cache is full and needs to make room for new data. This policy determines which items should be evicted when additional space is required in the cache.

Renewal : If the client application still needs to keep data in the cache beyond its original expiration time, it can refresh the data by storing it again with a new expiration time. This effectively extends the TTL for the data and prevents it from being evicted prematurely.
The main features of Memcached include :

* In-Memory Data Storage : Memcached stores data in memory, enabling lightning-fast read and write operations compared to disk-based storage systems.

* Distributed Caching : Memcached supports distributed caching across multiple servers, allowing for horizontal scalability and high availability.

* Simple Key-Value Store : Memcached provides a simple key-value data model, where data is stored and retrieved using unique keys.

* High Performance : Memcached is optimized for high performance and low-latency access, making it suitable for caching frequently accessed data in web applications.

* Cache Expiration : Memcached supports setting expiration times for cached data, allowing developers to control how long data remains in the cache before being evicted.

* Automatic Eviction : Memcached automatically evicts expired or least recently used data from the cache to reclaim memory space for new data.

* Client Libraries : Memcached provides client libraries for various programming languages, simplifying integration with client applications.

* Flexible Deployment Options : Memcached can be deployed on-premises or in the cloud, and it supports integration with popular web servers and frameworks.

* Protocol Support : Memcached supports a simple text-based protocol for communication between client applications and Memcached servers.

* Scalability : Memcached scales horizontally by adding or removing servers to handle increasing load and storage requirements.

* Open Source : Memcached is open-source software, allowing for community contributions, customization, and widespread adoption.
The maximum size of data that can be stored in Memcached depends on several factors, including the configuration of Memcached servers and the available system resources. However, there are some general guidelines to consider:

* Memory Limit : Memcached stores data in memory, so the maximum size of data that can be stored is limited by the amount of available memory on the Memcached servers. Each Memcached server allocates a certain amount of memory for caching, which is specified in the server configuration.

* Item Size Limit : Memcached imposes a limit on the size of individual items that can be stored in the cache. By default, this limit is set to 1 megabyte (MB) per item. However, this limit can be adjusted by configuring the item_size_max parameter in the Memcached server configuration.

* Total Cache Size : The total size of data that can be stored in Memcached is determined by the combined memory limits of all Memcached servers in the cluster. As you add more servers to the cluster, the total available cache size increases, allowing you to store more data.

* Efficient Use of Memory : It's important to note that Memcached is optimized for caching small, frequently accessed items rather than large objects or datasets. Storing large objects in Memcached can lead to inefficient memory usage and reduced performance.
The cache cannot retain the stored information in following conditions :

* When the allocated memory for the cache is exhausted.
* When an item from the cache is deleted.
* When an individual item in the cache is expired.
Difference between Memcache and Memcached :

Memcache Memcached
Memcache module provides handy procedural and object-oriented interface to Memcached. Memcached is a high-performance, distributed memory object caching system.
Memcache is an extension that allows you to work through handy object-oriented (OOP's) and procedural interfaces. Memcached is an extension that uses the libMemcached library to provide API for communicating with Memcached servers.
The Memcache module provides a session handler (Memcache). The Memcached provides a session handler (Memcached).
It is designed to reduce database load in dynamic web applications. It is used to increase the dynamic web applications by reducing database load. It is the latest API.
Yes, we can share a single instance of Memcache between multiple projects because being a memory storage space, Memcache can be run on one or more servers. In Memcache, you can also configure your client to speak to a particular set of instances.

We can also run two different Memcache processes on the same host being completely independent and without any interference. If you partition your data, it is important to know from which instance to get the data from or to put into.
By using telnet hostname portNumber command, you can connect Memcached server with telnet command.

Syntax :
$telnet HOST PORT  ?

Example : The given example shows that how to connect to a Memcached server and execute a simple set and get command. Let's assume that the server of Memcached is running on host and port 11211.
$telnet 11211  
Connected to  
Escape character is '^]'.  
// store data and get that data from server  
set javatpoint 0 900 9  
get javatpoint  
VALUE javatpoint 0 9  
END  ?
By using set command, you can set the value of the key.

Syntax :
set key flags exptime bytes [noreply]   
value   ?

Example :  In the given example, we use javatpoint as the key and set value Memcached in it with an expiration time of 900 seconds.
set javatpoint 0 900 9  
get javatpoint  
VALUE javatpoint 0 9  
END  ?
By using add command, you can add value in the key.

Syntax :
add key flags exptime bytes [noreply]  
value  ?

Example : In the given example, we use "key" as the key and add the value Memcached in it with 900 seconds expiration time.

add key 0 900 9  
get key  
VALUE key 0 9  
END  ?
The process of adding and retrieving data from Memcached involves the following steps :

Adding Data to Memcached :

* Client Interaction : A client application communicates with one or more Memcached servers over a network. The client sends a request to add data to the cache.
* Data Serialization : Before adding data to Memcached, the client serializes the data into a format that Memcached can store. This typically involves converting the data into a string or binary format.
* Key-Value Pair : The client specifies a unique key for the data being stored in Memcached. This key is used to retrieve the data later.
* Sending Request to Memcached : The client sends a "SET" request to the Memcached server(s), along with the key, serialized data, and optionally, an expiration time for the data.
* Storage in Memcached : The Memcached server receives the SET request, stores the key-value pair in its memory cache, and acknowledges the client that the data has been successfully stored.
* Optional : Data Compression: The client application can optionally compress the data before storing it in Memcached to reduce memory usage and improve performance.

Retrieving Data from Memcached :

* Client Interaction : When the client application needs to retrieve data from Memcached, it sends a request to the Memcached server(s) specifying the key of the data to be retrieved.
* Sending Request to Memcached : The client sends a "GET" request to the Memcached server(s), along with the key of the data to be retrieved.
* Data Lookup : The Memcached server(s) look up the requested key in their memory cache. If the key is found (a cache hit), the server retrieves the corresponding data and sends it back to the client.
* Cache Hit : If the requested data is found in the cache (cache hit), the Memcached server(s) return the data to the client, which can then use it as needed.
* Cache Miss : If the requested data is not found in the cache (cache miss), the Memcached server(s) return a null response to the client. The client application then fetches the data from the primary data source and stores it in Memcached for future access, optionally setting an expiration time for the data.

Error Handling and Fault Tolerance :

* Memcached clients typically handle errors such as connection failures or server timeouts gracefully, retrying requests or failing over to alternate servers if necessary.
* Additionally, Memcached servers can be configured to handle high availability and failover, ensuring uninterrupted access to cached data even in the event of server failures or network issues.
Memcached is designed to handle concurrent access to cached data through its client-server architecture and efficient handling of read and write operations. Here's how Memcached manages concurrent access:

Thread Safety : Memcached servers are typically multi-threaded, allowing them to handle multiple client connections concurrently. Each client request is processed independently, ensuring thread safety and avoiding data corruption issues.

Atomic Operations : Memcached supports atomic operations for certain data manipulation tasks, such as incrementing or decrementing numeric values stored in the cache. These operations are performed atomically, meaning they are executed as a single, indivisible operation, which prevents race conditions and ensures data integrity.

Client-Side Caching : In many cases, client applications implement their own caching mechanisms in addition to using Memcached. This client-side caching helps reduce the number of requests sent to Memcached and minimizes the potential for concurrency issues by caching frequently accessed data locally within the application.

Connection Pooling : Memcached clients typically use connection pooling to manage connections to Memcached servers efficiently. Connection pooling allows multiple client threads to share a pool of pre-established connections to the Memcached servers, reducing overhead and improving performance.

Optimistic Concurrency Control (OCC) : In scenarios where multiple clients may attempt to update the same cached data concurrently, Memcached relies on the client application to implement optimistic concurrency control mechanisms. This typically involves using versioning or timestamps to detect and resolve conflicts when updating cached data.

Cache Invalidation : Memcached does not support explicit cache invalidation mechanisms. Instead, it relies on cache expiration times to automatically evict stale data from the cache. However, client applications can implement their own cache invalidation strategies by updating or deleting cached data as needed.

Consistency Considerations : Memcached prioritizes performance and scalability over strict consistency guarantees. As a result, it is possible for concurrent access to cached data to result in eventual consistency rather than immediate consistency. Client applications must be designed to handle eventual consistency and potential race conditions appropriately.
Memcached itself does not natively provide built-in high availability and failover features like some other distributed systems. However, there are strategies and tools that can be employed to achieve high availability and failover in Memcached deployments.

Here's how Memcached can handle high availability and failover :

* Client-Side Failover

* Load Balancers

* Replication

* Server Monitoring and Auto-Scaling

* Manual Failover

* High Availability Middleware

* Data Partitioning
Memcached uses a simple text-based protocol for communication between clients and servers. The protocol is designed to be lightweight and efficient, focusing on basic commands for storing, retrieving, and deleting data. Here's an overview of Memcached's protocol and some of its key commands:

SET : The SET command is used to store data in the cache. It takes the following form:
SET <key> <flags> <exptime> <bytes> [noreply]\r\n

<key> : The unique key under which the data will be stored.
<flags> : Optional flags that provide additional information about the data (e.g., data format).
<exptime> : Optional expiration time for the data, in seconds.
<bytes> : The number of bytes in the data block.
[noreply] : An optional parameter that instructs the server not to send a response to the client.

GET : The GET command is used to retrieve data from the cache. It takes the following form:
GET <key>\r\n
<key>: The key of the data to retrieve.?

DELETE : The DELETE command is used to remove data from the cache. It takes the following form:
DELETE <key> [noreply]\r\n?

<key> : The key of the data to delete.
[noreply] : An optional parameter that instructs the server not to send a response to the client.

INCREMENT/DECREMENT : The INCR and DECR commands are used to increment or decrement numeric values stored in the cache. They take the following form:
INCR <key> <value> [noreply]\r\n
DECR <key> <value> [noreply]\r\n?

<key> : The key of the numeric value to modify.
<value> : The amount by which to increment or decrement the value.
[noreply] : An optional parameter that instructs the server not to send a response to the client.

STATS : The STATS command is used to retrieve statistics about the Memcached server. It takes the following form:

FLUSH_ALL : The FLUSH_ALL command is used to clear all data from the cache. It takes the following form:
FLUSH_ALL [delay]\r\n?

[delay] : An optional delay (in seconds) before flushing the cache.
Configuring and optimizing Memcached for performance involves several steps aimed at maximizing memory usage, minimizing latency, and improving overall throughput.

Here's a guide on how to configure and optimize Memcached for better performance :

* Allocate Sufficient Memory
* Adjust Cache Size
* Tune Eviction Policy
* Enable Compression
* Optimize Networking
* Adjust Connection Limits
* Enable UDP Protocol
* Use Consistent Hashing
* Monitor Performance
* Scale Horizontally
* Regularly Review Configuration
Memcached supports data compression as a feature to reduce memory usage and improve network throughput when storing and retrieving data. Here's how Memcached handles data compression:

* Enable Compression
* Compression Algorithm
* Dynamic Compression
* Metadata Storage
* Decompression on Retrieval
* Efficient Compression
* Optional Compression Threshold
* Considerations
Securing Memcached is crucial to protect sensitive data and prevent unauthorized access or misuse. Here are some security measures that can be implemented with Memcached:

* Network Security :
* Firewall Configuratio
* Network Segmentation

* Authentication and Access Control :
* SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer)
* IP Whitelisting
* Access Control Lists (ACLs)

* Encryption :
* Transport Layer Security (TLS)
* Data Encryption

* Monitoring and Logging :
* Audit Logging
* Real-time Monitoring

* Regular Patching and Updates

* Default Configuration :
* Principle of Least Privilege
* Secure Deployment

By implementing these security measures, organizations can enhance the security posture of their Memcached deployments and mitigate the risk of unauthorized access, data breaches, and other security threats.
Memcached is designed to handle large-scale deployments by providing features and capabilities that support scalability, high availability, and efficient caching across distributed environments.

Here's how Memcached handles large-scale deployments :

* Horizontal Scalability
* Distributed Caching
* Partitioning and Sharding
* Replication and High Availability
* Client-Side Sharding
* Load Balancing
* Monitoring and Management
* Auto-Scaling and Elasticity
* Optimized Networking
Memcached is primarily designed as an in-memory caching system and does not natively support data persistence.

External Data Source : Instead of relying solely on Memcached for data storage, applications can use Memcached as a caching layer in front of an external data source such as a relational database (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL) or a NoSQL database (e.g., MongoDB, Cassandra). In this setup, Memcached caches frequently accessed data from the external data source, providing fast access while the data itself remains persisted in the database.

Write-Through Cache : Implement a write-through caching strategy where data is first written to the external data source and then cached in Memcached. This ensures that data remains persisted in the database while also benefiting from fast access through Memcached. Updates and deletions to the data are also propagated to the external data source to maintain consistency.

Periodic Cache Refresh : Periodically refresh cached data from the external data source to ensure that the cache remains up-to-date with the latest data from the source. This can be done using background tasks or scheduled jobs that retrieve data from the source and store it in Memcached.

Memcached Persistence Modules : Some third-party Memcached distributions or modules offer experimental support for data persistence. These modules extend Memcached's functionality to include features such as disk-based storage or replication for persisting cached data. However, these solutions may introduce additional complexity and overhead compared to traditional caching approaches.

Data Serialization and Backup : Serialize cached data periodically and store it in external storage (e.g., file system, database) for backup and recovery purposes. While this approach does not provide real-time data persistence, it ensures that data can be restored in the event of a Memcached server failure or data loss.

External Caching Libraries : Use external caching libraries or middleware solutions that offer built-in support for data persistence and synchronization with Memcached. These libraries may provide features such as automatic data synchronization, eviction policies, and consistency guarantees across multiple cache nodes.
By using replace command, you can replace the value of the key.

Syntax :
replace key flags exptime bytes [noreply]  
value ?
Example : In the given example, we use "key" as the key and add the value Memcached in it with 900 seconds expiration time. After this, the same key is replaced with the "redis".
add key 0 900 9  
get key  
VALUE key 0 9  
replace key 0 900 5  
get key  
VALUE key 0 5  
END  ?
By using append command, you can append the value of the key.

Syntax :
append key flags exptime bytes [noreply]  
value  ?

Example : In the given example, we are trying to add some data in a key that does not exist. Hence, NOT_STORED is returned by Memcached. After this, we set one key and append data into it.
append javatpoint 0 900 5  
set javatpoint 0 900 9  
get javatpoint  
VALUE javatpoint 0 14  
append javatpoint 0 900 5  
get javatpoint  
VALUE javatpoint 0 14  
END  ?
Memcached itself does not natively support data replication as part of its core functionality. However, there are several approaches and strategies that can be used to implement data replication with Memcached in distributed environments:

Client-Side Replication : Implement client-side replication where client applications store copies of data across multiple Memcached servers. This can be achieved by distributing data access requests across multiple servers and maintaining consistent copies of data in each server. Client applications handle data replication and synchronization logic.

Middleware Solutions : Use middleware solutions or caching frameworks built on top of Memcached that provide built-in support for data replication. These solutions typically implement replication mechanisms such as master-slave or master-master replication for distributing data across multiple cache nodes and ensuring data consistency.

Custom Replication Logic : Implement custom replication logic within client applications or middleware layers to replicate data between Memcached servers. This may involve periodically synchronizing data between servers, handling data consistency and conflict resolution, and ensuring fault tolerance and high availability.

External Tools and Libraries : Utilize external tools, libraries, or plugins that integrate with Memcached and provide data replication capabilities. Some third-party tools offer features such as data synchronization, consistency guarantees, and automatic failover to replicate data across Memcached servers in distributed environments.

Memcached Clusters : Deploy Memcached clusters using clustering solutions or distributed caching platforms that support data replication out of the box. These platforms typically manage data replication, distribution, and consistency across multiple cache nodes transparently, providing a scalable and fault-tolerant caching solution.

Memcached Replication Modules : Some third-party Memcached distributions or modules offer experimental support for data replication. These modules extend Memcached's functionality to include features such as replication protocols, data synchronization mechanisms, and fault tolerance mechanisms for replicating data across cache nodes.
Yes, Memcached can be used in a multi-threaded environment. In fact, it is designed to handle concurrent access from multiple client threads efficiently. Here's how Memcached supports multi-threaded usage:

Thread-Safe Implementation : Memcached servers are typically implemented to be thread-safe, meaning they can handle concurrent access from multiple client threads without data corruption or race conditions. Each client request is processed independently, ensuring thread safety.

Concurrent Connections : Memcached servers are capable of handling multiple client connections concurrently. Clients can establish connections to Memcached servers and send requests simultaneously, allowing for high concurrency and throughput.

Scalability : Memcached supports horizontal scalability by allowing multiple Memcached servers to be deployed in a cluster. Each server can handle a certain number of concurrent connections and requests, and additional servers can be added to the cluster to handle increasing load and scale out capacity.

Connection Pooling : Memcached client libraries often implement connection pooling to manage connections to Memcached servers efficiently. Connection pooling allows multiple client threads to share a pool of pre-established connections to Memcached servers, reducing overhead and improving performance.

Atomic Operations : Memcached supports atomic operations for certain data manipulation tasks, such as incrementing or decrementing numeric values stored in the cache. These operations are executed atomically, ensuring consistency and preventing race conditions in multi-threaded environments.

Client-Side Concurrency Control : Client applications can implement concurrency control mechanisms to manage access to Memcached in multi-threaded environments. Techniques such as locking, synchronization primitives, or transactional semantics can be used to coordinate access to shared data and prevent conflicts.
By using prepend command, you can prepend value of the key.

Syntax :
prepend key flags exptime bytes [noreply]  
value  ?

Example : In the given example, we are trying to add some data in a key that does not exist. Hence, NOT_STORED is returned by Memcached. After this, we set one key and prepend data into it.
prepend tutorials 0 900 5  
set tutorials 0 900 9  
get tutorials  
VALUE tutorials 0 14  
prepend tutorials 0 900 5  
get tutorials  
VALUE tutorials 0 14  
By using delete command, you can delete the key.

Syntax :
delete key [noreply]  ?

Example : In the given example, we use javatpoint as a key and add the value Memcached in it with 900 seconds expiration time. After this, it deletes the stored key.
set javatpoint 0 900 9  
get javatpoint  
VALUE javatpoint 0 9  
delete javatpoint  
get javatpoint  
delete javatpoint  
Memcached uses a simple Least Recently Used (LRU) eviction policy to manage memory usage when the cache reaches its maximum capacity. The LRU eviction policy evicts the least recently accessed items from the cache to make room for new data. When new data needs to be stored in the cache and the cache is full, Memcached identifies the least recently accessed item (i.e., the item that has not been accessed for the longest time) and removes it from the cache to free up space.

The LRU eviction policy helps ensure that the most frequently accessed items remain in the cache while less frequently accessed items are evicted to make room for new data. This helps optimize cache performance by maximizing the likelihood of cache hits for frequently accessed data.

It's important to note that Memcached does not support configurable eviction policies out of the box. However, some third-party Memcached distributions or middleware solutions may offer additional eviction policies or customization options for managing cache eviction behavior. Additionally, developers can implement custom eviction logic within their applications to handle cache eviction based on specific criteria or application requirements.
By using stats command, you can show the stats.

Syntax :
stats  ?

Example :
STAT pid 1162  
STAT uptime 5022  
STAT time 1415208270  
STAT version 1.4.14  
STAT libevent 2.0.19-stable  
STAT pointer_size 64  
STAT rusage_user 0.096006  
STAT rusage_system 0.152009  
STAT curr_connections 5  
STAT total_connections 6  
STAT connection_structures 6  
STAT reserved_fds 20  
STAT cmd_get 6  
STAT cmd_set 4  
STAT cmd_flush 0  
STAT cmd_touch 0  
STAT get_hits 4  
STAT get_misses 2  
STAT delete_misses 1  
STAT delete_hits 1  
STAT incr_misses 2  
STAT incr_hits 1  
STAT decr_misses 0  
STAT decr_hits 1  
STAT cas_misses 0  
STAT cas_hits 0  
STAT cas_badval 0  
STAT touch_hits 0  
STAT touch_misses 0  
STAT auth_cmds 0  
STAT auth_errors 0  
STAT bytes_read 262  
STAT bytes_written 313  
STAT limit_maxbytes 67108864  
STAT accepting_conns 1  
STAT listen_disabled_num 0  
STAT threads 4  
STAT conn_yields 0  
STAT hash_power_level 16  
STAT hash_bytes 524288  
STAT hash_is_expanding 0  
STAT expired_unfetched 1  
STAT evicted_unfetched 0  
STAT bytes 142  
STAT curr_items 2  
STAT total_items 6  
STAT evictions 0  
STAT reclaimed 1  
To get the version information of a Memcached server, you can use the "version" command. Here's how you can retrieve the version information using Telnet or a Memcached client library:

1. Using Telnet : Open a terminal and use Telnet to connect to the Memcached server on the default port (11211). Then, send the "version" command to the server. Here's an example:
telnet localhost 11211

After sending the "version" command, the server will respond with its version information.

2. Using Memcached Client Library : If you're using a programming language such as Python, Java, or PHP, you can use a Memcached client library to interact with the Memcached server programmatically. Here's an example using Python's python-memcached library:
import memcache

# Connect to Memcached server
client = memcache.Client(['localhost:11211'])

# Get version information
version_info = client.get_stats('version')

This code connects to the Memcached server running on localhost and retrieves the version information using the get_stats('version') method.

Regardless of the method you choose, the Memcached server will respond with its version information, which typically includes details such as the Memcached version number and any additional information about the server environment.
In Memcached, connections are typically managed by the client libraries rather than being explicitly opened and closed by the application. However, depending on the client library you're using and the programming language you're working with, there might be ways to gracefully shut down connections or release resources associated with them.

Here's how you can handle connection closure in some popular programming languages:

Python (python-memcached) : If you're using the python-memcached library, you typically don't need to explicitly close connections. However, you can release resources associated with the client by setting it to None:
import memcache

# Connect to Memcached server
client = memcache.Client(['localhost:11211'])

# Use the client...

# Close the connection (release resources)
client = None?

Java (spymemcached) :  In Java with the spymemcached library, you can close the Memcached client instance when you're done using it:
import net.spy.memcached.MemcachedClient;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Connect to Memcached server
        MemcachedClient client = new MemcachedClient(new InetSocketAddress("localhost", 11211));

        // Use the client...

        // Close the connection (release resources)

PHP : In PHP with the Memcached extension, you can close the connection by calling the close() method on the Memcached instance:
// Connect to Memcached server
$memcached = new Memcached();
$memcached->addServer('localhost', 11211);

// Use the Memcached instance...

// Close the connection (release resources)

Remember that explicitly closing connections may not be necessary in many cases, as client libraries often manage connections and resources automatically. However, if you need to release resources explicitly or gracefully shut down connections, consult the documentation of the specific client library you're using for the appropriate methods or functions.
There are two methods to update Memchached when data changes :

By clearing the cache proactively : You can update Memcached by clearing the cache while insertion or updation is made.

By resetting the cache : It is slightly similar to the first method, but it doesn't delete the keys and wait for the next request for the data to refresh the cache, it resets the values after the insert or update.
38 .
What is Dogpile effect? How can you prevent this effect?
If the cache expires, and websites are hit by multiple requests made by the client at the same time, this effect is known as Dogpile effect.

This effect can be prevented by using a semaphore lock. In this system when value expires, the first process acquires the lock and starts generating new value.
39 .
What happens to the data stored in Memcached when server accidentally gets shut down?
In Memcached, data is not permanently stored. It is not a durable data so, if the server is shut down or restarted, all the data stored in Memcached will be deleted.
40 .
If you have multiple Memcache servers and one of the Memcache servers fails which has your data, will it ever try to get key data from that one failed server?
The data in the failed server won't get removed, but there is a provision for auto-failure, which can be configured for multiple nodes. Fail-over can be triggered during any socket or Memcached server level errors and not during normal client errors like adding an existing key, etc.
Following are the methods to minimize the Memcached server outage :

* When one instance fails, several of them go down, this situation will put larger load on the database server when the client reloaded the lost data. To avoid this, you should write your code to minimize cache stampedes, and it will leave a comparatively less impact.

* You can bring up an instance of Memcached on a new machine using the lost machines IP address.

* The Code is another option to minimize server outages as it gives you the liberty to change the Memcached server list with minimal work.

* Setting timeout value is another option that some Memcached clients implement for Memcached server outage. When your Memcached server goes down, the client will keep trying to send a request till the time-out limit is reached.
Memcached integrates with web servers like Apache and Nginx primarily through caching mechanisms to improve the performance and scalability of web applications. Here's how Memcached can be integrated with these web servers:

Apache Integration :

* Mod_Memcache: Apache HTTP Server can be integrated with Memcached using modules like mod_memcache. This module allows Apache to cache dynamic content in Memcached, reducing the load on backend servers and improving response times for clients.

* PHP Integration: Many PHP applications running on Apache can use Memcached as a caching layer to store frequently accessed data. PHP provides native support for Memcached through libraries like memcached or memcache, allowing developers to cache database query results, session data, and other objects in Memcached.

* Reverse Proxy Configuration: Apache can be configured as a reverse proxy to cache and serve static content or accelerate dynamic content delivery. In such setups, Memcached can be used to cache responses from backend servers, reducing latency and improving throughput for client requests.

Nginx Integration :

* Memcached Module: Nginx can be integrated with Memcached using third-party modules like ngx_http_memcached_module. This module allows Nginx to cache responses from Memcached directly, avoiding the need to access backend servers for frequently requested content.

* FastCGI Caching: Nginx supports FastCGI caching, where responses from backend servers can be cached in memory or on disk. Memcached can be used as a storage backend for FastCGI caching, enabling distributed caching across multiple Nginx instances or servers.

* Dynamic Content Acceleration: Nginx can be configured to accelerate dynamic content delivery by caching database query results, API responses, or computed content in Memcached. This helps reduce the load on backend servers and improves the overall performance of web applications.

Integration Patterns :

* Object Caching: Both Apache and Nginx can integrate with Memcached to cache objects such as database query results, session data, and rendered HTML fragments. By caching these objects in Memcached, web servers can serve requests more quickly and efficiently.

* Content Acceleration: Memcached can be used to accelerate content delivery by caching frequently accessed static or dynamic content. Web servers like Apache and Nginx can leverage Memcached to cache content at the edge, reducing latency and improving scalability.

* Load Balancing: Memcached can also be integrated with Apache and Nginx for load balancing purposes. By storing session data or load balancing information in Memcached, web servers can distribute client requests evenly across backend servers or application instances.