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Memcached - Interview Questions
How to close the connection Memcached?
In Memcached, connections are typically managed by the client libraries rather than being explicitly opened and closed by the application. However, depending on the client library you're using and the programming language you're working with, there might be ways to gracefully shut down connections or release resources associated with them.

Here's how you can handle connection closure in some popular programming languages:

Python (python-memcached) : If you're using the python-memcached library, you typically don't need to explicitly close connections. However, you can release resources associated with the client by setting it to None:
import memcache

# Connect to Memcached server
client = memcache.Client(['localhost:11211'])

# Use the client...

# Close the connection (release resources)
client = None?

Java (spymemcached) :  In Java with the spymemcached library, you can close the Memcached client instance when you're done using it:
import net.spy.memcached.MemcachedClient;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Connect to Memcached server
        MemcachedClient client = new MemcachedClient(new InetSocketAddress("localhost", 11211));

        // Use the client...

        // Close the connection (release resources)

PHP : In PHP with the Memcached extension, you can close the connection by calling the close() method on the Memcached instance:
// Connect to Memcached server
$memcached = new Memcached();
$memcached->addServer('localhost', 11211);

// Use the Memcached instance...

// Close the connection (release resources)

Remember that explicitly closing connections may not be necessary in many cases, as client libraries often manage connections and resources automatically. However, if you need to release resources explicitly or gracefully shut down connections, consult the documentation of the specific client library you're using for the appropriate methods or functions.