Correct Answer : 30th Aug 2022
International Whale Shark Day is observed on August 30th, and in honor of this special day, we want to share five interesting facts about these fascinating creatures.
First off, the largest recorded whale shark was measured at 16.5 feet long and 2.5 meters wide! Secondly, whale sharks are tropical ocean dwellers that feed on fish, squid and other small creatures. Thirdly, they are ovoviviparous – meaning they give birth to live young rather than lay eggs – and can reach sexual maturity at around 10 years old.
Fourthly, whale sharks are listed as a vulnerable species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) due to their low population size and slow reproductive rate. Finally, whale sharks are protected by law in many countries including the United States, Australia and Brazil!
What is International Whale Shark Day?
* International Whale Shark Day is a day to let people know about the importance of whale sharks and their conservation. On this day, people can learn about the amazing creatures and work to protect them.
* Whale sharks are some of the longest-living animals on Earth. They can live for up to 70 years and reach a height of over 12 feet. They are also one of the most endangered species, with only around 400 individuals remaining in the world.
* The main reasons why whale sharks are endangered are due to fishing and meat consumption. Whale sharks are especially targeted by fishermen because they are valuable prey. This hunting has led to a decline in their population size over the years.
* Fortunately, there is something that everyone can do to help conserve these gentle giants: education. By learning about whale sharks and their importance, we can help to protect them for future generations.
What to expect on International Whale Shark Day :
* International Whale Shark Day is a day to celebrate the amazing creatures that live in the ocean. This day is also an opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of conservation.
* There are a few things that you can expect on International Whale Shark Day. The first is that you will likely see more whales and sharks in the water. This is because these creatures are often shy and difficult to see, so they are more visible during this event.
* You may also see some unusual behaviors from these animals. For example, you may see dolphins swimming with whale sharks or even people swimming with whales! This is an reminder that these creatures are not all dangerous – they can be fun to watch, too!
* International Whale Shark Day is a great way to learn more about these amazing creatures and to help protect them for future generations.
World Whale Shark Day 2022 Significance :
* Today is International Whale Shark Day 2022, a day to honour these incredible marine animals. Additionally, this day provides an opportunity to spread knowledge about the value of conservation.
* You may anticipate a few things on International Whale Shark Day 2022. The first is that there are more whales and sharks in the sea than usual.
* This is due to the fact that because they are typically elusive and shy, these creatures are easier to spot during this International Whale Shark Day 2022 occasion.
* These animals could exhibit some peculiar habits, which is why International Whale Shark Day 2022 is spreading awareness.
Source : Newsd