Illustration explained:
Method | Description |
children() | Get a set of elements containing all of the unique immediate children of each of the matched set of elements. |
each() | Iterate over specified elements and execute specified call back function for each element. |
filter() | Reduce the set of matched elements to those that match the selector or pass the function's test |
find() | Searches for descendant elements that match the specified selectors. |
first() | Get the first element of the selected elements |
last() | Returns the last element of the selected elements |
eq() | Returns an element with a specific index number of the selected elements |
next() | Get the next sibling element of the selected element |
parent() | Get the direct parent element of the selected element |
nextAll() | Returns all next sibling elements of the selected element |
nextUntil() | Returns all next sibling elements between two given arguments |
parents() | Returns all ancestor elements of the selected element |
parentsUntil() | Returns all ancestor elements between two given arguments |
prev() | Returns the previous sibling element of the selected element |
prevAll() | Returns all previous sibling elements of the selected element |
prevUntil() | Returns all previous sibling elements between two given arguments |
siblings() | Get all sibling elements of the selected element |
not() | Remove elements from the set of matched elements |