Today, most of the applications are being accepted online, whether it is for opening a banking, Ticket Booking, Passport Application, Today, most of the applications (private as well as government) are being filled online. Many of the organizations also conduct competitive exams leading to employment online, filling admission form, filling job application, etc.
Real-time application is a computer based application program that functions in a given period of time. Or in other words, in a given period of time, a user has to perform certain functions before the time lapses.
For example, if you are making online transactions, then you have to provide the required information in a given time framework or else you will miss the chance. The significant examples of real-time application (Videoconferencing, VoIP (voice over Internet Protocol), E-commerce transactions, Online banking, messaging apps, Online gaming, etc,.)
Different businesses have different computer applications; however, a few applications such as for maintaining the data base (of respective business), keeping employees’ records, offering online business facilities, online promotions, etc. are the common features of almost every business organization.