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Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) : Digital Electronics - Quiz(MCQ)
The two-transistor model of the SCR is obtained by
Bisecting the SCRs diagonally
Bisecting the SCRs top two layers
Bisecting the SCRs bottom two Layers
Bisecting the SCRs top two and bottom two layers

Correct Answer : Option (D) :   Bisecting the SCRs top two and bottom two layers

Explanation : The two- transistor model of the SCR is obtained by bisecting the SCRs top two and bottom two layers. The two-transistor analogy of SCR refers to a method of producing an SCR as a combination of an np-n and a p-np transistor. SCR is a three-terminal device having a p-n-p-n structure. The three terminals of the junctions are the cathode, anode and gate terminal.
