Google News
Digital Marketing - Quiz(MCQ)
Which of the following practices are not suggested for producing relevant content?
For creating notable content recurrently, create hero "content for tent-pole events".
For creating relevant content consistently, create help" content to answer queries."
For creating valuable content constantly, create a series of scheduled hub" content."
For creating more content than your competitors, create lots of articles that are short, unsubstantial, or otherwise lacking in helpful specifics.

Correct Answer :   For creating more content than your competitors, create lots of articles that are short, unsubstantial, or otherwise lacking in helpful specifics.

Explanation : Producing irrelevant content with little or no added value may have done wonders for a website before Google's first Panda update in February 2011, but in the current situation, it is definitely not going to work. It won't rank the low-quality content or shallow pages on Google SERP's
