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TinyDB - Interview Questions
Can TinyDB handle concurrent operations?
TinyDB does not natively support concurrent operations out of the box. Since it's primarily designed for simplicity and lightweight use cases, it lacks built-in mechanisms for handling concurrent access control or ensuring data consistency in multi-threaded environments.

However, it's possible to implement basic concurrency control mechanisms manually when using TinyDB in multi-threaded applications. For example, developers can use locking mechanisms to ensure that only one thread accesses the database at a time, thereby preventing concurrent modifications that could lead to data corruption or inconsistency.

Here's a basic example of how you might implement a locking mechanism to handle concurrent access with TinyDB :
import threading
from tinydb import TinyDB

# Initialize TinyDB instance
db = TinyDB('db.json')

# Define a lock for synchronization
lock = threading.Lock()

# Function to perform database operation safely
def safe_database_operation():
    # Acquire the lock before accessing the database
    with lock:
        # Perform database operation
        db.insert({'key': 'value'})

# Create multiple threads to perform database operations concurrently
threads = []
for _ in range(10):
    thread = threading.Thread(target=safe_database_operation)

# Wait for all threads to complete
for thread in threads:

# Close the database connection

In this example, a lock (lock) is used to synchronize access to the TinyDB database (db). Before performing any database operation, each thread acquires the lock using a context manager (with lock:). This ensures that only one thread can access the database at a time, preventing concurrent modifications.