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Gulp - Interview Questions
Can you describe how to use Gulp with a bundler like Browserify or webpack?
Gulp, a task runner, can be used with bundlers like Browserify or webpack to automate repetitive tasks. To use Gulp with Browserify, first install both using npm. Create a gulpfile.js at the root of your project and require both modules. Define a task that uses Browserify to bundle your JavaScript files, then use Gulp’s src() method to specify the entry point file. Use Browserify’s bundle() method followed by Gulp’s dest() method to output the bundled file.

For webpack, the process is similar but instead of defining a custom task, you’d require the webpack-stream module in your gulpfile.js. Then create a task that calls webpack(), passing it your configuration object. Again, use Gulp’s src() and dest() methods for input and output respectively. Both these setups allow you to run ‘gulp’ in your terminal to execute the bundling task.